Aftermath of Wedding Break

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Thank you all again for the support. I love reading the comments and hearing that you all love this book so much. Enjoy another update.

Gen's POV

"You have to admit that was amazing." Mark states as he finally comes to the car.

"You were talking to Derek for a long time." I comment.

"I had to remind him to respect my wife. Especially when she's right."

"You said that to him?"

"I will always defend you. You are my rock." He leans over the console and kisses me.

"He's going to take that job isn't he?" Mark doesn't say anything.

"Sadly I think he is."

"Why would he do that if it's going to hurt his family? Why...why? He's already done so many revolutionary things and...he's going to throw his family away for some job?"

"To Derek his job is everything." Mark finally speaks. "When he was married to Addison, I saw how she just fit this need for him. Brilliant neurosurgeon married to a brilliant neonatal surgeon and...they were on so many boards. They were the idyllic couple but...their marriage was a sham."

"Didn't you say he wasn't even angry when he found out about you two?" I ask him.

"I've seen Derek angry and when he walked in on us I was fully ready for him to punch me and call me names for sleeping with his wife. All of the things I would do if my wife was cheating on me with my best friend but he didn't do any of that."

"Why?" I ask.

"Derek as much as I love him. His family took me in as their own when I had no one and I will always be grateful for that. But Derek will always chase the bigger and better thing because that's all he cares about. He can have it all but still want more."

"He does love Mer, right? Like he's not leaving her or...the kids? Because I will kill him myself and no one will ever find his worthless body." I threaten.

"No, he loves Grey more than he ever loved Addison. I never saw him in all my years have so much passion for anyone besides her but...he's still flawed."

"Do you ever wish you could do more with your career? More in that...if you were given the chance to work for the President would you?" I ask him and I fear the answer.

"I've been going on full speed all my life. I was a bachelor for so long and have done so much...choosing family over a career is a no-brainer for me. I mean it when I say I love you and the kids most of all. Everything can come crashing down around us and as long as I have you guys that's all I need."

"How can you be so sure that the kids and I will be enough for you? How do you not want to do some groundbreaking clinical trial or big surgery can we be enough for you?" I ask him.

"Because." Mark grabs my hands and makes me look at him. "No amount of awards, big surgeries, or medical recognition will ever amount to coming home and hearing the kids scream daddy on the top of their lungs. Or waking up to them crawling into our beds and snuggling the last few hours with us. Hearing you tell me how much you love me even when I know I can be an annoying ass. Nothing can compare to that." I reach over and plant a passion-filled kiss on Mark's lips.

"God you talking so passionately about our family is such a huge turn-on." I whisper against his lips.

"I can't believe Avery finally got the balls to say what I've known all along."

"You knew he was going to interrupt the wedding?" I smack his shoulder.

"No!" He argues. "I may have...I've always known he's still had the hots for Red and I might have encouraged him one more time to say something."

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