New Beginnings

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This is a happier chapter and I hope you all enjoy it.

3rd Person POV

"Okay, Zo-Zo, here's your snack. Cheese, bananas, ad a little..." Meredith grunts and then clutches her belly. "Damn it. Damn it." She inhales sharply. There's blood on her dress now. "Actually, you know Zo, I think maybe we'll take that, huh? We'll put it in a baggie, and we'll... Agh. Agh." Meredith cries out as she starts to bleed. She falls to her knee.

"Mommy!" Zola cries out.

"It's okay, Zola. It's okay."

"You're bleeding

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"You're bleeding. There's blood! Mommy, should I call 911?"

"Yes, call." Meredith answers as she clutches her belly. "Gen! Mark!" She cries out as Zola calls 911. She collapses to the floor.

"My mommy needs help." Zola informs the operator. Gen and Mark run downstairs after hearing Meredith's cries.

"Mer!" Gen rushes to her friend and checks on her. She checks her vitals and does a pelvic exam.

"I called 911." Zola tells her godmother.

"Good job Zo-Zo." Gen tells her as she keeps calm. Gen packs the bleeding with gauze. She's covered in blood when the paramedics arrive.

"I'll stay with the kids." Mark tells her.

"I'll call you." Gen calls out; she hops into the back of the ambulance. Zola is gripping Mark tight as he holds her.

"Your mommy is going to be okay." Mark tells her.

"I can't lose her too." Zola whispers. Mark holds her tighter, and they watch the ambulance leave.

"It's a pleasure to work with you tonight, Dr. Benoist." The local O.B. greets Gen as she finishes scrubbing in for an emergency C.

"I wish it was under better circumstances." Gen replies.

"It's an honor to learn from you." They are scrubbed and ready to go. Gen checks in on Mer, who is about to go under. "Mer, I have you."

"Where are the kids?" Meredith asks. "She shouldn't be in here." She mutters, and they place the gas over her mouth, and she drifts off to sleep.

"Let's move." Gen orders, and they rush Meredith to the O.R.

"The baby is in decels." A nurse tells Gen.

"Scalpel." Gen orders, and they pass it over to her. "Suction."

"She's losing blood."

"Hang 3 liters." Gen orders as she continues to operate. All comes to a stop when Gen is able to remove the baby, and she smiles behind her mask, seeing Meredith's new baby girl. Gen hands the baby over to a nurse to take care of so she can focus on Meredith. "You are going to make it." Gen mutters where no one can hear.

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