Do We Settle?

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You'll soon find out how Lexie is doing. I can't wait for you all to see what I have planned for her.

Mark is gripping my hand so tight through the victim's meeting for the crash. This is where we listen to the injuries and losses we faced due to the accident and what it's cost us. And we have to explain them all to the man who represents the airline. "Derek Shepherd...multiple hand fractures with a median nerve injury. Arizona Robbins' open femur fracture with resultant above-knee amputation. Lexie Grey...left arm amputation. Lexie and Arizona are having to receive massive therapeutic treatment to get them to live normal lives let alone be surgeons again." Our lawyer explains to the guy.

"They wish for me to extend their deepest condolences..."

"How is the investigation going?" Derek interrupts him.

"Have they found what caused the crash?" Meredith joins in.

"The investigation could take years. That's why we want to help you put this tragedy behind you."

"I think you mean, your clients would like to put it behind them." Our lawyer argues with him.

"So I am authorized at this time to propose a one-time settlement. Bayview Aeronautics takes your loss seriously." He passes a piece of paper to Derek who passes around to all of us. "Now the settlement agreement must be unanimous, and it releases Bayview Aeronautics from any and all other claims, known or unknown, but...most important, it will allow you to put this painful time behind you and move on with your lives."

"So you want to buy us off." I jump in.

"Well, Ms..."

"It's Dr. Benoist." I correct him. "Your client thinks the damage they have done to our lives. Our family's lives are equated to a dollar amount?"

"I would think it over. You'll have a clear closure this way." He advises us and it doesn't sit well with me.

"Should we settle?" I ask Mark as we bathe the kids.

"It's a lot of money Gen."

"But...if we settle would this keep the airline company from doing this to others? What's to say someone else gets into a crash with them and nothing was done because we settled for money?" I argue.

"This money could be used for the kid's future. It could be for research he said it could be years before we know an answer on what caused the crash and...this way we do have something." Mark explains to me.

"But is it taking the easy way out?"

"Mama look." Theo is showing me how he's carefully washing Davina's hair and she is loving it.

"I say anything that allows us to never be separated from them like we were is the best thing to do. We can think on it but...I think settling is our best option." Mark explains to me.

"Should I give it over to my family lawyer and see what they think about it?" I ask.

"You think your family's attorney will have a different answer than the hospitals?"

"It never hurts to get a second opinion." I argue.

"I want to settle but...I want you to be okay with it too."

"I'll think about it. It would be easier. I have my peds fellowship I have to focus on and...with Robbins out I'm so alone. Next is my fetal medicine and..."

"Hey." Mark makes me look up at him. "You can do this. You can do anything you set your mind to." He kisses me briefly before the kids spray us with water.

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