First Time Owners

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Sorry for the long wait. Enjoy this update.

"Hey, how are you not freaking out more?"

"Uh...good morning to you too Mer. Did you all just use the key I gave for an emergency at any time you want?" I ask her as I look through my kitchen for food to munch on.

"I'm serious. How are you not freaking out more?"

"Is there something I missed?" I ask her trying to understand what has her all strung up.

"The baby! How are you not freaking out that something is wrong with your baby developing a disorder that will leave them blind, deaf, or deformed not being able to function at all, are you not worried?"

"This is your first baby."

"No, my first baby was Zola." Meredith corrects me. And I bring her to join me on the couch with a bag of chips between us.

"Zola will always be your first baby but what I'm saying is...this." I point to her belly. "Is the first baby you're carrying after suffering a miscarriage. The first one after that is always worrisome. We've experienced what having an abnormal pregnancy is like and we are programmed to think the worst." I explain.

"So...are I being unreasonable to think that something could be wrong? I have crappy genes." Meredith complains. I grab her hand.

"You're a mom. You will always be worried about your babies. And if I'm being honest with you, I'm terrified to carry these babies."

"God yes you're having twins. Twice the worry."

"I never imagined in a million years I would give birth to Davina the way I did. But from my fetal medicine training, I've learned that babies are more resilient than we give them credit for. Your OB has said everything is good right?"

"Yes...she...yes every check-up has been good and...yeah it's good."

"The worst thing you can do right now Mer is stressing yourself out for no reason. If something does happen you have a wonderful team of doctors who will do everything in their power to allow you to deliver a healthy baby."

"I need you to be the person I can freak out on and..."

"And I will remind you that there could be far worst things. I mean your baby could be born with an irresectable mass on its lungs could have a dumb ass OB who during labor accidentally when pulling the baby outs rips the arm off."

"Thank you!" Meredith exclaims with joy. "That is the dark and twisty things I'm talking about." Meredith compliments me.

"I want more than these chips."

"Pizza?" Meredith asks.

"Yes. Just hold on." I pick up my phone.

"What are you doing?" I hold up my hand.

"Hey, this is an emergency."

"What is the problem? Did you go into early labor? Did you fall? Did you..."

"Mer and I are hungry and we need some pizza and we need you to pick up Cristina and come over for a pizza party." I explain to Alex.

"Dude this is not 911!" Alex yells and I put him on speaker and Meredith can't stop her laughing. "I thought we said this..."

"Pizza now Alex. know bring the dessert sticks with cinnamon and sugar on them." I explain.

"You want me to bring you Churros?" Alex asks.

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