Saying Yes

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Thank you for the constant support. I can't wait for you all to read what I have planned. I'm so excited for the later seasons. I wasn't sure I would write past season 1 but I can confidently say I plan to write through all seasons of Grey's.

Callie and Arizona are going through with their wedding and we couldn't be happier for them. This is a special time for anyone. To share something as special as wanting to marry someone with those you love most. Arizona's mom is bubblier than her which I thought would be impossible but she can't stop loving on Theo. "Gen, he is just adorable." Mrs. Robbins comments as she plays with Theo. "And where did you two adopt him from?"

"China." Mark and I answer her.

"It was something we've been wanting for a long time." I explain to her.

"Well, he is precious." She plays peekaboo with Theo and he loves it. "Oh, I have the perfect thing for him. It will fit him wonderfully."

"Oh, you don't have to do that Mrs. Robbins..."

"Barbara dear. You can call me Barbra."

"I'd like to propose a toast." Mark interrupts getting all the attention on him.

"Why is the sperm donor here? I thought tonight was a family dinner." Arizona's father says frustrated.

"Dad I..."

"Not the sperm donor. He only donated his sperm to me...his wife." I clarify for Arizona's father. "We're just the godparents of Sofia." I explain but Mark does rub people the wrong way sometimes.

"To two extraordinary women..." Everyone raises their wine glass. I hold up my lemonade and Theo mimics me with his juice bottle. "May your lives be overfilled with love, happiness, and joy. To Callie and Arizona the mothers to my goddaughter..."

"Oh for godsakes..."

"Oh, Daniel." Barbra tries to calm her husband. "Cheers." We clink our glasses together.

"Shit!" Theo exclaims and all eyes are on me. I'm mortified but Mark is dying with laughter. Theo just looks at me all innocent.

"Well...cheers everyone." I brush it off like it was nothing. Callie is hiding her laughter in her napkin.

"Do you go by anything other than Colonel, Colonel?" Mr. Torres asks Arizona's dad.

"The Colonel." Arizona's dad replies and Arizona shakes her head.

"Actually, um..." Callie interrupts. "We forgot to say grace." She says putting her fork down.

"Say what?" Arizona asks with her mouth full of food.

"Yeah, we should...we should say grace before we eat." Callie states and we gladly put our forks down.

"Of course. Shame on us. Fork down, The Colonel." Barbra makes fun of her husband.

"Mom, you want to lead?" Callie asks.

"Bless us, oh, lord and these thy gifts..." I'm distracted by Mark taking a giant bite from his breadstick that makes the loudest crunching noise. Callie and I give him a look and he just casually passes a bite to Theo who makes an even bigger sound. I shake my head at him which Mark responds with blowing me a kiss. Callie's mom finishes the grace just as Sofia cries.

"Oh...I'll get her. I'll go...I'll go get her."

"Thanks." Arizona states to Callie as she gets up to retrieve Sofia.

"Arizona." Mr. Torres looks to Arizona. "We sat next to a charming young man on the plane today, and he said he was going with his partner to march in a parade. For pride?" He says to her and I feel it's such a big step from when he first found out about Callie being bisexual.

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