Teaching Isn't Easy

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Gen and Mark's wedding is coming and it will be amazing.

Alex's POV

"Gen is coming back today and I have an idea on her bachelorette party." I state to Callie, Meredith, and Cristina.

"I can't believe evil spawn is the best man." Cristina comments.

"Hey!" I bark at her. "Man of honor. And I'm taking this shit seriously. Gen is our person and we need to do everything we can to make this wedding as special as possible for her."

"Okay fine uh...please your honor tell me about this party." Cristina teases me.

"I was thinking trivia and karaoke night is coming up at Joe's in two weeks. We take her out and we all get drunk and dance the night out."

"Simple and yet perfect." Meredith states.

"Okay I'll make sure her schedule is cleared and this will work. She deserves this." Callie states.

"Does my tie will have to match the dresses?" I complain to the girls.

"You're matching us?" Cristina asks.

"It's customary." Callie assures me.

"We don't have to give Sloan a party do we?" I ask groaning at the idea.

"Yeah no that's up to Derek and whoever he chooses to be on his side." Meredith states.

"I can't believe our girl is getting married." Callie claps her hands together.

"Have you met all of her family?" I ask.

"No." The three of them answer.

"Well, we know her mom, dad, and Maddie." Meredith lists off.

"Do you think she will invite her dad?" Cristina asks.

"I doubt it. He hasn't been in her life for so long to have him at the wedding now it..."

"We'll support her no matter what choice she makes." Callie states to us.

"What's everyone doing standing around." We jump as Gen and Mark appear next to us.

"Hey! It's the happy couple." Callie fakes enthusiasm.

"Uh...yeah we just got back." Gen states to us.

"Uh...I'm going to check on my patients." Mark kisses Gen as he heads away and Callie follows after him.

"What is this, everybody got paged?" Jackson asks now as the rest of the residents come back.

"Gen you're back." April goes over and hugs her. "How was New York did you get fitted for your dress?"

"I had my last fitting here actually and New York was nice." Gen responds but she still has this stupid happy grin on her face that it makes me feel like everything is going to be okay.

"It's that time of year again, the chicks have hatched." I state to Jackson.

"Is that some sort of code?" April asks as we stop and see the chicks coming to us.

"Those chicks." Gen states to April as we watch the Chief and Little Grey bring in the first-year medical students.

"Oh, first-year med students. Too dumb to find the toilet." Cristina jokes.

"Good morning. Behind me stand the interns and residents of tomorrow. Today you will show them what it's like to be a surgeon. When you go into surgery, they go into surgery. When they have a question, you will answer." The Chief orders us.

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