Happiness is Real

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Here is the long awaited arrival of Gen and Mark's baby girl!!!

"I have the baby bag and...what else do we need?" Mark is freaking out now as I monitor my contractions. Which I don't know how I didn't notice them before now. "Ahhh what do we need?!" Mark yells.

"Enough!" I cut him off trying to brace myself. "My mom is at a friend's right now so I'm going to call her and have her come watch Theo." I pick up my phone and dial my mom's number as Mark continues to freak out.

"Bonjour, Genevieve. Comment etait le..." Hello Genevieve. How was the...

"Maman, il est temps." Mom, it's time.

"J'aurai raison dans dix." I'll be right over in ten. My mom answers and I have a smile on my face. I look up at Mark with a smile.

"We're having a baby." I whisper to him.

"We're having a baby." Mark comes over to kiss me and all of the excitement sets in and it feels wonderful.

"Uh...we need to go."

"Why?" Mark asks me.

"Because my contractions are getting closer and..." I groan as I feel them.

"Genevieve." My mom calls out.

"We're in here mom." I call out and she comes in.

"You two go to the hospital. I have it all covered here." Mom assures us.

"I will keep you up to date Eleanor on...the labor and stuff." Mark is a surgeon but he's lost for words right now.

"Well...I will let Theo sleep and when you are ready for us. I will bring him over so he can meet his sister."

"I...this is happening." I state and my mom brings me into a giant hug.

"Des miracles arrivent Genevieve et c'est l'un des nombreux miracles." Miracles happen Genevieve and this one of many miracles.

"Thank you." Mark kisses my mom on the cheek and we head to the car.

"Shit!" Mark yells.

"What?" I ask confused as I try buckling up.

"I forgot the baby carrier."

"Well let's go I have a human trying to push their way out of my body!" I order and he goes running.

"Dr. Sloan why..."

"Yeah uh...my wife's water broke so we need to check in now. And page Herman that it's time."

"Right away sir."

"Ahhh!" I scream as the contractions get worse. "C'est quoi ce bordel?" What the fuck?

"Gen, que puis-je faire pour ma..." Gen, what can I do to make... I cut Mark off grabbing the front of his shirt dragging him down to my eye level in the wheelchair.

"Trouvez-moi une putain de chambre maintenant ou je vous tuerai." Get me a damn room now or I will kill you! Mark's eyes widen.

"Is the room ready?" Mark asks worriedly.

"Right this way." We're lead into our room and I get changed.

"Puis-je..." Can I...

"Pur le moment j'ai juste besoin de me coucher." Right now I just need to get in bed. Mark helps me in trying to make me as comfortable as possible.

"Let's see how we're doing." Herman comes in.

"You're not..."

"Gen I'm delivering your baby. There won't be a lot I haven't seen of you." Herman cuts me off. And I glare at her. "You can give me all the hateful looks. I can take it."

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