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Here is another update. Enjoy.

"So seriously how much longer is Karev going to live with us?" Mark asks as we get the kids bathed. Davina is enjoying her sink bath and Theo is playing with his bubbles and toys in the tub as I wash his hair.

"Why? You like having Alex here. He takes over watching the kids when we need him last minute. He talks sports with you when it's too boring for me." I state.

"I want the house to ourselves."

"No, you don't." I argue with him. "You said it's been too quiet around the house while Alex is staying the night at the hospital. You like him here." I remind Alex.

"We don't get enough time to have s.e.x." Mark spells out.

"Sex." Theo repeats and I glare at Mark.

"We have plenty or we wouldn't have our beautiful daughter." I remind him.

"I want more."

"We can get Alex to babysit more and we..."

"He needs to move out."

"You will regret him moving out. He's family Mark."

"Talk to him about moving. We need the house to ourselves."

"I like Uncle Alex." Theo states as he makes more bubbles.

"I know you do baby. And we love him too." I assure Theo. "And dada will not mention kicking Uncle Alex out or I will kick him out." I whisper back to Theo who gives a look to Mark.


"I'm serious. Your ass will be out on the street if you kick my person out before I say so." I keep the smile on my face. "Don't let Davina eat the soap." I scold Mark.

"Hey!" I smack Alex on the side of the head.

"Ow!" Alex rubs his head. "What's that for?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What is wrong with you?" Alex asks me.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"I was studying. I was sleeping at the hospital to get more O.R. time and..."

"No, you're getting more time with Morgan."

"No, I'm not." He argues with me.

"Alex, I'm worried about you."

"There's no reason to be worried. She is helping me study and that's it. I'm helping her understand what is happening to her son. That's all."

"And you have to be with her 24/7?" I question him.

"Is this your way of saying you miss me and crap? Because you know I will get my own place." Alex assures me.

"Yeah and who's going to pay your bills and buy food?" I tease him. "But Alex, I was there with you when you got too involved with a patient. I know how big your heart is and I don't want you to get hurt." I plead with him. "So please be smart about this."

"I am. She's just helping me study. Nothing is going on between us."

"There better not be." I glare at him. "I need my person. I don't like sharing."

"So the studying with Torres really working?"

"Hell yeah. Callie is great. She should sell this. She would make a fortune."


"She makes me think of every possible outcome. It's amazing. My brain has never been so involved and I love it." I explain to him.

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