No Africa No Problem

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I love the support you all gave the last update. Enjoy this next one.

Mark drinks a coffee while I eat a burrito as Callie and Arizona clean out their apartment. "How about it Mark you've always wanted on of ...these?" Arizona holds up a kitchen gadget. Arizona demonstrates how it can be used and Mark stares at it unamused.

"Nah, I'm good."

"Gen?" Arizona asks me.

"I don't cook so...I wouldn't even know what to do with that thing." I motion to the gadget.

"But we will take the waffle iron." Mark points to.

"Yes." I agree.

"What? I have never seen either of you eat a waffle." Callie argues with us.

"Well, we would if I had a waffle iron." Mark challenges.

"Okay, Callie, we're not gonna take a waffle iron to Malawi, and it's not gonna do anybody any good sitting in storage for three years." I begin to choke on my burrito.

"What the hell Callie!?" I ask her upset.

"Did I say something wrong?" Arizona asks.

"Uh...I may not have told Gen exactly how long we would be gone."

'You said a few months maybe a year. You lying whore you're leaving me for three years!" I yell at Callie.

"Okay, this is exactly the reason why I didn't say anything in the first place." Callie explains to me.

"How were you planning on telling me that you were going to Africa for three years? Postcard, text, or...I don't know Callie telling me yourself!"

"Yeah, you should have told her up front. She doesn't like being the last one to know." Mark states to Callie as he finishes his coffee.

"Well on a happier note. Mark, you just won yourself a waffle iron. Oh!" Arizona picks another thing up. "And a French press."

"Hey stop things away." Callie interrupts Arizona.

"Hey, we're not done here!" I yell at Callie. She heads into her room slamming the door shut. I run after her barging into the room.

"Gen I'm not the in the mood right now I..."

"Why would you withhold the time you would be gone from me? Why not tell me?" I ask her.

"Maybe because I don't want to be gone that long. Maybe I...I"

"Do you want to go?" I whisper to her.

"I love her Gen." Callie whispers back to me.

"You can love her without going to Africa."

"I couldn't do that to her. I..."

"You're leaving everything behind for three years for her. And do you want to do that?"

"I...I'm sorry I didn't tell you how long I was going to be away. But...I'm trying to keep everything together and..." I bring Callie into a giant hug.

"Don't sacrifice your own happiness for someone else." I whisper to her.

"I'm not..." I look at her.

"I'll be here for you either way. I'll miss you."

I wanted to skip work and spend as much time I could with Callie before she leaves me for three years but Owen has his trauma certification that we're all forced to attend. "Am I early?" Meredith comes into the skills lab. "I tried really hard not to be."

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