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Gen's POV

"So you're going to be junior Dr. Butthole." I mock Alex, and he scowls at me.

"Not you too."

"Why are you going into private practice?" I ask him. He passes me the bag of fries.

"It's just the next step for me."

"Buttholes are the next step for you?" I question.

"I need the money, okay."

"Why do you need the money all of a sudden?"

"My loans."


"I wouldn't expect you to understand. You come from money."

"I may not have needed to take a loan out for school, but I do appreciate how hard it is to work for a living."

"I know you work hard. Everyone knows you work hard, get paid the big bucks."

"So take on another specialty." I suggest.

"I'm not crazy like you."

"I am not crazy."

"Three specialties Gen that is insane. Most people are drowning in one, and you took on two others."

"I mean I..." Alex gives me a look. "I see your point."

"How are you not drowning?"

"Because I don't do all three at once." I answer him. "I'm on peds pretty much full time, but I switch between ortho and fetal."

"And Herman is okay with that?"

"She's a big control freak anyway, so me not being on full time is not an issue for her. But she does hand me difficult cases to keep me on my toes, and it works."

"I need the money, Gen."

"Do you like the private practice you'll be working at?" I ask him.

"I like it enough to suffer through until I get my loans paid off and money for me to enjoy. Hey, could you..."

"I don't loan money to friends, Alex."

"Why not? You have tons of it."

"Correction, my family has tons of it."

"Don't you have access to your trust fund?"

"Yes, but it's not that simple. I've explained to you before that family money is not really mine. The money I make for work is mine, and that went into paying for this hospital, kid's college funds, buying a house, bills, and Mark's obsession with expensive kitchen gadgets."


"He bought this special ice maker that makes nugget ice."

"How much?"

"6 grand."

"He paid six thousand for ice!"

"It's really good ice." I defend.

"Damn, it's nice to have money."

"You're just in a rut. You're dating a resident who isn't making much for how much she's working. We've all been there. We all lived together to save money. You're ready for your next step, but Jo is not."

"Is that how Sloan felt?"

"Mark's always been a child no matter how much older he is compared to me."

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