Chasing Cars

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I am warning you all now. Have your tissues ready. You are not ready for what's coming.

Mark's POV

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Mark's POV

"Here." I pass some nuts over to Derek.

"No thanks."

"You need to keep your fuel up, man." I tell him.

"Do you do anything but eat?" He questions me.

"Yes. I'm a kick-ass surgeon, husband, father, and a beyond excellent lover." I wink at Derek, and he shakes his head.

"Why did I agree to do this with you?"

"You get to ride in a jet. Come on, I called ahead, and there's going to be a five-star lunch provided. Plus, we haven't had Mark and Derek time in forever."

"We spent the past few weeks golfing, fishing, and..."

"I just got my best friend back; sue me for wanting to have an adventure to tell the president to kiss my ass!"

"We're not telling him that." Derek points his finger at me.

"Not even a little?"

"No." He looks forward, frustrated with the traffic.

"I told you we should have taken the helicopter." I tell him as I get comfortable in the passenger side.

"We're already taking a private jet now; you want to take a helicopter?" He asks me as we are in standstill traffic.

"Gerard is not using it, and he offered." I explain. "Plus, it beats being stuck in traffic."

"I thought you were still terrified of flying on a plane." Derek says to me.

"Which is why I always travel with my anxiety medicine." I explain to him. "Besides, I have booked us a moonlight cart tour of the monuments."

"Mark, this is a business trip." He reminds me.

"Bullshit, it's your I'm quitting for the second time trip. I'm making the most of this, damn it! I haven't been to D.C.!"

"Calm down, Mark."

"I'm excited. We haven't traveled together since...ahhh freshman year of college." I remind Derek, and he reminisces with me.

"Oh, that was fun."

"Just me and you backpacking through Europe, and we got lost and almost ended up in jail."

"That's because you were flirting on some man's wife." Derek reminds me.

"She flirted with me first." I argue. Derek laughs.

"We spent all of our money on that boat, and we spent the rest of the summer fishing." Derek says, and I smile just thinking about that summer.

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