Are They Okay?

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This chapter won't be as sad emotional as the other previous chapters. It's a little lighter.

3rd Person POV

"It's just so strange that they left with no warning." Owen says about the absence of Meredith, Gen, Mark, and their kids.

"They left a note." Amelia reminds him.

"Uh, the kids and we are safe?" Callie scoffs at the note. "Yeah, that's helpful."

"I called Yang again, but she hasn't heard from either of them since the funeral." Alex states.

"Are you serious? That was weeks ago." Miranda comments.

"I called Henry, and...he hasn't heard from Gen either." Lexie says.

"Would he even know?" Alex questions her.

"He asked his mom, and she doesn't know where Gen is." Lexie explains.

"Okay, I just don't understand. I don't understand. I do not understand how you...just leave without a so long, or I'll see you later. I mean, they just dropped everything. Their patients, their surgeries." Miranda points out.

"Look, maybe it's time we hire a detective. Make sure they are all aright." Callie suggests.

"Yeah, I think we should call the police." Maggie joins in.

"Mmhmm. And Mark. Oh, Mark." Callie sighs. "He doesn't have his memories, and now he's..."

"Okay, that's enough!" Richard cuts in. Meredith Grey, Gen Benoist, and Mark Sloan are not missing persons. Meredith and Gen left a note. They are not jeopardizing their kids. They are not irresponsible people. Mark Sloan is in the best hands possible. The hands of his wife that loves him. Knows him best. If they are gone, it's because they want to be gone. I don't know about Gen, but for Meredith, she is doing what she knows how to do. Same as her mother." This brings everyone back to reality. "Ellis Grey left Seattle and never looked back." No one says anything.

"So that's it?" Callie asks, looking around at everyone, shocked. "That...we just let them go?" Alex pulls out his phone and dials Gen's number first.

"You've reached Gen Benoist." Her voicemail comes up. Alex tries Meredith's number and gets her voicemail too. "Screw this." He jumps up.

"Where are you going?" Lexie asks.

"If they're not here, I'm betting you they're at Gen's." Alex says, and everyone looks at each other.

"Yes." Maggie agrees. "Why did we not think this before?"

"Because they left a note." Lexie points out. "Why leave a note if they are Gen's?"

"I'm going to find out. Anyone who wants to come can. I'm going either way." Alex heads to the door.

"In." Callie and Maggie say at the same time. They look to Lexie and Amelia.

"Are you two really not coming?" Callie asks.

"They don't want to be found." Lexie repeats.

"You don't know that." Callie argues. She wipes a tear from her cheek. "They wouldn't leave without saying something. They...Gen wouldn't do that to me."

"Come on, let's go." Maggie urges, and they follow Alex to the car.

"Do you think they will ever be back?" Miranda asks Lexie.

"I don't know." Lexie answers honestly.

"See, I knew it." Alex exclaims as he pulls up to Gen and Mark's house. "Their lights are on."

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