Big Day

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Happy Holiday's everyone. I hope you all enjoy this update.

"Benoist!" I jump as Herman calls out my name.

"Uh hello, Dr..." She slams a giant pile of patient folders down in front of me.

"You are my prized fellow and because of that I expect a lot from you."

"And I don't plan to disappoint. I will..."

"You will be attached to my side for months. You will only sleep and eat fetal surgery and you will not complain. If I don't make you cry at least four times a day I have not done my job."

"Oh well, that's reassuring." I tease her but she keeps staring me down.

"Study these thoroughly."

"Are these the cases we're going to be working on throughout my fellowship?" I ask her and she shakes her head and laughs in my face.

"Ha, you wish Benoist. These are only the beginning files." My eyes widen.

"But there's..."

"No complaining!" She reminds me.

"Uh well...I have to pick up my kids in a..."

"And about that. Your kids will be a problem."

"Excuse me?"

"Will McSteamy be taking full care of the kids while you do your fellowship?"

"Huh, Mark will take a bigger role in caring for the kids while I'm completing your fellowship but I will still be in the..."

"No." Herman cuts me off. "That is not good enough."

"What? My kids won't be a problem I assure you. They are very well behaved and..."

"What you need is a nanny."

"Mark and I can handle this transition..."

"Find yourself a nanny for your kids Benoist. Know these files back and forth or you will regret it." Herman waves goodbye leaving me with just a stack full of files.

"A nanny really?" Mark has a smirk on his face and I smack his arm.

"This isn't a porn movie. This nanny will be reputable, mature, and..."

"Hot?" Mark asks and I glare at him. He holds up his hands in surrender. "I am just joking with you, babe. I will be good with whatever nanny we choose to get for the kids. But you do know that I can take off work and..."

"No, we can both advance our careers and take care of the kids. The nanny won't be full time just..."

"When we need them." Mark finishes for me.

"I'm starting my fetal surgery fellowship right after Bailey's wedding and...I've never been so terrified. It''s a lot of information feels like my brain can't handle it and..."

"Hey." Mark grabs my arms making me stop freaking out. "You can do this. I believe in you. You need to believe in yourself." Our doorbell rings.

"The first one's here." I say to Mark.

"I'll get Davina and you get Theo." We scramble to get the kids and we greet the first nanny.

"We don't need a nanny." Theo fusses at us as we sit him down for dinner. "I'm a big boy I..."

"We know Theo. You're amazing but mama is going to be working more for a while and we need some more help."

"No." Davina yells as I put some sweet potatoes on her plate and she pushes them away. "Mama stay here." She cries.

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