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I loved writing this chapter and I hope you all enjoy reading it.

"Of course now my mom's convinced that Stephanie is some kind of gold digger trying to use sex to nab herself an Avery." Jackson complains to us in the Attendings lounge.

"Dude, you and your rich boy problems." Alex insults Jackson as he struggles to start the coffee maker.

"You know what the worst part is?"

"That you don't lock the door when you're having sex with your girlfriend knowing your mom is in the hospital." I comment.

"No." Jackson argues. "The worst part is she actually likes Stephanie."

"Well, so then you need to tell your mom that. Stand up for your girl." Meredith chimes in. We're both pumping while we have the time.

"That wouldn't work. She'd just hate her even more." Jackson replies. I cough loudly.

"No balls." I whisper.

"Hey! I have..."

"You can't even stand up to your mom."

"I...she raised me as a single mother and running a company and..."

"I was raised by a single mother with seven other siblings and my mom runs numerous companies and became a licensed therapist."

"I mean that..."

"What is with you talking shit about your mom but never standing up to her?" I ask Jackson.

" know Sloan was way more supportive when I told him this."

"That's because you're Mark's guy. If you two are arguing then the damn Plastics Posse will be out of sync." I mock Mark's voice he uses when talking about his bromance with Jackson.

"You know..." Jackson lets a giant puff of air. "I'm not going to do anything because it's like walking into a hornet's nest. You know, you gotta stay still, let the whole frenzy die down." He explains.

"Or light the damn things on fire and watch them burn." I suggest.

"You're meaner during this maternity leave." Jackson comments.

"I'm pumping for two babies. Do not start with me!" I point my finger at him and he holds his hands up and backs away slowly. Alex keeps banging on the coffee maker not making any progress.

"How you doin' with that coffee Karev?" Meredith asks him as she keeps reading the article for her surgery with Cristina.

"You wanna make the damn coffee?" Alex yells. "Be my guest. It's a freakin crap machine." He complains. He storms away and I know he's dealing with a lot. He's still trying to decide if he will introduce himself to his dad or let him leave again without telling him how he feels.

"What's wrong with him?" Meredith asks.

"Beats me." Jackson answers and follows Alex out of the lounge.

"Stress with work." I make up not wanting to share Alex's business until he's ready to let others know.

"Alex just broke the coffee machine." Meredith informs Bailey who is glaring at Meredith so hard I'm having a hard time keeping a straight face.

"You're dead to me." Bailey responds.

"And there it is." I mutter.

"Dr. Yang just got a call from...oh god." Ross quickly turns around after seeing Meredith and me pumping on the couch. "I'm sorry."

"There's no free boobs. You've seen nothing but the nice blanket my sisters bought me for nursing." I assure him but he won't turn around.

"Dr. Benoist is right. Our parts are all covered. You can turn around." Meredith urges Ross.

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