Pas de barre

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I love the support you all continue to give me as I continue to love writing this book. Enjoy this update.

"Gen!" Callie barges into my bathroom and I shriek not expecting her to come in.

"What? Why..."

"Mark just walked in on me and Arizona."

"Oh, he...oh..." I realize what she said. "Why would he do that?"

"I said I would go work out with him and I forgot it was this morning and..."

"Good for you. Working out is good." Callie stops and glares at me. She rips the door open and I jump from the sudden coldness. "Callie cold air and I'm in the shower!"

"Why am I having to work out with your fiancé? Can't you do that?"

"Uh yeah, I don't work out like how Mark wants to." I state as I try to find warmth under the hot water.

"Whoa, what's happening in here?" Mark walks into the bathroom with the biggest grin on his face.

"Yeah never gonna happen." Callie states walking past him.

"I just wanted a nice moment in the shower alone and..."

"I can join you. I just finished a workout." Mark begins to take off his clothes but I hold my hand up stopping him.

"I just lathered up with the lavender body wash and it smells amazing in here. But you just came back from a hard work out and now it smells like sweat." I complain.

"You never complained..."

"Mark get out!" I order.

"Gen I..."

"Out!" I yell and he finally leaves me alone in the shower.

"You know you could have worked out with me?"

"I don't find five-mile runs and weightlifting fun."

"It's better than yoga!"

"Yoga relaxes me liked it."

"I fell asleep!" Mark fires back.

"It relaxed you didn't it?" I challenge.

"I'm going out for another jog!" Mark yells and runs out of the apartment. Such a big baby. Good thing I love him or his ass would be out on the street.

"Hostile uterus." Meredith comes up to us whispering this groundbreaking news like it's no big deal.

"House hunting with my husband." Cristina replies "At least it's not cancer."

"At least you're calling him your husband." I comment to Cristina.

"Oh, baby steps. Whatev." She makes it off to be no big deal.

"So is that all they said?" I ask Meredith.

"Amongst other things. Basically, a miscarriage could happen again." Meredith explains.

"Same here with me." I tell her with some sympathy in my voice. It's hard going through infertility and not knowing what the outcome will be.

"Hey, uh. Do you know how long April and Jackson are planning to stay in the house?" Lexie comes running up to us.

"Uh, as long as they like. Why?" Meredith says with a no-care attitude.

"Well, April's taken over Izzie's room, which was fine when it was temporary, but I live in the attic. And I sleep next to Christmas ornaments." Lexie complains.

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