Fighting for Dominance

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I know you all have so many questions about what will happen with the plane crash. I don't want to spoil anything but it will be emotional. And that's all I can say.

"Wait. Bailey paged you also?" Alex asks confused as we follow closely behind Bailey. Cristina joins us now too. "Any idea why?"

"Who cares? As long as it gets me away from Altman." Cristina replies.

"I just chewed out your husband by the way so uh...sorry should have done that more in private but..." Cristina brings me into a giant hug.

"I love pregnant you. You're so much feistier. It's fun." She comments to me.

"Oh, god." April and Jackson join us now. "She's gonna fire us, isn't she?"

"Why would she fire us?" I ask concerned.

"There was that patient mix-up in the O.R." Jackson reminds us.

"Oh. You should be fired." Cristina directs her comment to April.

"Me? You guys didn't update the board." April reminds us.

"A little hard to update the board when there's a huge trauma April and it's the first time using this system of yours. It's going to have flaws." I explain to her.

"That's why she looks so pissed off." Alex brings our attention back to Bailey who is going from bed to bed looking through patient charts not saying a word.

"That's not good for it." Bailey mumbles moving on to another bed. "Let me see that chart."

"What is she looking for?" Cristina asks.

"What have you got?" Bailey asks going into one of the trauma rooms. We follow close after she tries to understand what is happening.

"A field amputation with complicated extractions. Still assessing her multiple crush injuries, but I felt a broken pelvis for sure. And her B.P.'s in the toilet." Callie explains to Bailey.

"Yeah, this is a Gunther."

"Really?" Callie looks over to us.


"Think they can handle a Gunther?" Callie asks Bailey.

"Oh, I think they need a Gunther." Bailey and Callie are both now looking at us weirdly.

"Uh, what's a Gunther?" April asks us.

"Hell like we know." I answer her. Bailey drags us out of the room.

"She was pinned under her car, her leg was amputated in a pit of dirt. Her abdomen is pulp, and her pelvis is probably crushed. You will work together to assess her injuries and repair them." Bailey instructs us.

"In the O.R.?" April asks for clarification.

"No, at the Jiffy Lube. Yes, in the O.R." Bailey snaps at her. "Now, Dr. Torres will supervise your work. If you're killing her, she will step in." We quickly gown up as Bailey informs us of the task at hand. "Otherwise, you're on your own. Don't screw this up. Like you screw everything else up you've touched lately."

"Love the pep talk." I mutter as I tie Alex's gown.

"Ladies and gentlemen, step away from the patient." Bailey orders and we rush into the room taking over.

"It's an open book pelvic fracture." Jackson announces.

"And a comminuted femur fracture." I add looking at the scans.

"Has anyone fully examined the stump?" April asks around

"Pneumopericardium and an enlarged cardiac shadow. She needs a chest tube and a C.T. free fluid. She needs the O.R." Cristina informs us.

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