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I hope you all enjoy this update. Thank you all for the constant support.

Mark's POV

"Listen, Avery, what happened this morning..."

"It's alright. I...what is our case today?" Jackson changes the subject not wanting to discuss the board meeting.

"Well, today I go in on Tatiana's nasal septum while you wor..."

"Avery!" Hunt comes marching up to us. "Am I in or out?"

"Hunt..." I try to calm him down but he's very worked up.

"What? That's..."

"Word is I might be out of a job, so I'd like to hear it from you."

"Yeah." Jackson gets himself together. "There was a thought that a change in leadership could be good for staff morale."

"Oh, for morale? I've been killing myself to keep morale up for the past three weeks to keep this place open."

"And we all acknowledge that..."

"No one is saying anything. I've been shut out of every decision that you people make. And now I hear this."

"Hunt we understand that you are..."

"No, you do not understand Sloan! None of you understand any of this!"

"Alright calm down." I hold my hands up trying to keep him from getting out of control.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Hunt yells.

"Guys, guys, guys." Derek comes running up to us thinking he's going to change everything. "Let's take this somewhere else." He suggests.

"Oh is this coming from you too? You're all just talking about a new chief?" Hunt is making a bigger scene.

"Guys let's go and talk in private or..."

"Sloan was it or was this topic of me being fired not discussed?" Hunt outright asks me.


"It was tabled for a later date." Derek tries to explain to him.

"Oh, you tabled it? You shouldn't even be talking about it." Hunt lectures us.

"Listen, this is a decision that we have..."

"Avery enough."

"Hey do not talk to my guy like that!" I yell at Derek. "He is still very much apart of this board as we are." I defend Jackson.

"I'm just trying to explain..."

"Avery go!" Derek holds his hand up to Jackson treating him like a child.

"No Avery stay." I challenge.

"Mark don't mak..."

"Make you what Derek? You are not the boss. You are not my boss. You cannot talk to my guy or anyone like that!" I scold him.

"I'll go." Jackson mutters and takes a step back. He doesn't leave fully but gives us some space.

"Not cool." I shake my head at Derek.

"You know as well as we do there are politics here." Derek tries "We're trying to find our way. Just sit tight."

"I am through sitting tight." Hunt argues. "I am through looking like an idiot while you lie to me."

"No one is lying to you this time." I try and reason with Hunt.

"When you said that we're in this together, I thanked you, and then one hour later, you quit." Hunt points his anger towards Derek. "You're a liar."

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