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I hope you all enjoy this chapter. There is a little surprise towards the end.

"You okay, babe?" I call out to Mark.

"You shouldn't see me like this." Mark yells.

"You're sick, and I'm going to be here for you."

"No, this is not sexy. We need to keep the sexy alive."

"Mark, I am your wife. Let me help take care of you."

"Not like this." He calls out as I hear him hurling his guts out again. "Please not like this." I barge into the bathroom. "GEN!"

"Enough. Don't act like a child." I grab a washcloth and wet it. I bend down and place the went cloth on Mark's forehead. "I meant it when I vowed for better or for worse. Now let me be here for you."

"God!" He turns his head back into the toilet, hurling everything up.

"It's going to be okay." I hold Mark as he continues to puke.

"You should not see me like this." He repeats.

"You held me when I was a sobbing mess. It's only fair I do the same for you when you're sick."

"I'm still sexy, right?"


"I need to know! It's important to me." He demands.

"Yes, you're still so sexy."

"Go...good." Mark hurls again. I rub his back.

"So sexy, babe. So sexy."

"Oh, that's a bad break." I comment as I look at the x-ray's Jo did on her patient. "Do you see it?" I ask as I pin the scans back up.

"What?" Jo asks as she looks closer.

"He has an old fracture that never healed properly. It's mal-aligned. Which means what?" I quiz her. She says nothing, which is unlike her. "It means it left the bone weaker than it should have been." Still nothing. "Jo?"

"I think this is my fault." I start to open my mouth to protest, but she keeps going. "The guy was getting to me, and I was pissed, and then I was just trying to restrain him and I..."

"Wait. Hold up. Are you saying to me that you think you broke his arm?" I question her. She nods her head. "Jo, I believe you're really strong, but it takes a lot more than restraining to break someone's arm. The patient has tetanus spasms and an intense one at that."

"So I didn't do this?" She asks.

"They've been known to over-torque and snap bones." I clarify for her.

"He broke his own arm?"

"This will sound morbid, but this is an awesome break."

"How?" I smile back at her.

"Because we get to break the old fracture before re-aligning the second break." I answer.

"So you have to break his bone in order to put I back together again?"

"No." I turn and face her. "You do."

"No, that is not...I can't do that."

"You can do a lot more than you think, Jo." I pull out my phone and send a quick text.

"Are you writing about how horrible of a doctor I am?" Jo asks me.

"Actually, I'm paging Dr. Torres to scrub in with us." I correct.

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