Going at it Alone

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I love all the support you all constantly give me. Enjoy another update

Derek was furious when he saw Cristina and me walking towards him and Janet. "If you would follow us." I say waving my hands and they follow closely behind us till we reach the room.

"Where have you been? We've been trying to reach you for hours." Derek demands as he comes to sees Meredith standing outside an exam room.

"I'm sorry." Meredith replies.

"Where's Zola?" Derek gets straight to the point. Janet and he look into the room and see Alex holding Zola as if he's examining her. She's still playing with the penlight Derek gave to her when they first met. Cristina and I join Meredith to give her support.

"Ever since her surgery, Zola's had weekly blood tests, and uh, the results I got today were a little weird, so I wanted to take a look at her." Alex explains to Derek and Janet.

"Yeah, and you know with babies, I mean when a doctor calls...I got worried. So I just rushed her right in, and I must have left my phone in the daycare center." Meredith explains herself.

"And when you asked us about where she was. We were in surgery all day and couldn't page Meredith." I add needing Derek and Janet to understand what happened. Or at least what we want them to think what happened.

"And your pager." Cristina reminds.

"My pager I had to turn in because they fired me." Meredith explains.

"What's wrong with her?" All attention is back on Alex.

"Her white count was elevated. 14.5 um, I wanted to make sure there wasn't a post-op infection or a C.S.F. leak or something. Um, on my exam she looks fine." Zola begins babbling cutely. "No signs of spinal shock. I re-ran her C.B.C. and her white count was 8. Totally normal. Must have just been a stress reactant...or a fluke in the labs, cause, uh, well she's fine." There's so much silence we fear Derek will blow our cover just because of how pissed he is with Meredith

"It's true." Derek surprisingly agrees with what Alex assessed about Zola. "C.S.F. leaks are a problem with spina bifida babies That's...that's great you caught that."

Janet excuses herself to make some calls and we all hope for the best but it feels like our luck could run out. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this...I didn't mean for any of this to happen." Alex apologizes to Meredith.

"I know. I know." Meredith accepts his apology.

"Tell how it goes." Alex whispers to me.

"Will do. See you at home." I call out as he leaves.

"I still don't understand what you possibly could've been thinking." Derek lays into Meredith and thankfully Cristina closes the door to give them so privacy.

"They fired me. Janet basically told me they were gonna take Zola away. I mean possibly send her back to Malawi. You and me? I just needed some time. I just needed to hold her and look at her and just think about how everything...everything got so screwed up." Meredith explains to Derek and for the first time, he looks remorsefully and understanding. At least for a second, he does. "You should take Zola. Janet has a problem with me, not with you. And we need to do whatever we can to make sure they don't take her away, and if that means that you have custody of her and I don't, well then that's what we need to do."

"You're not fired." Derek blurts out.

"What?" We all three asks.

"Richard's gonna take the fall for you."

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