Seeking Resolution

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This will be a slightly emotional chapter. And thank you all for giving me such great suggestions for renaming the hospital. I appreciate all of you.

3rd Person POV

Everyone is silent as Mark and Henry stare each other down. This is not how anyone thought the dinner was going to go. "Are you done?" Henry asks not backing down to Mark.

"I'm not even close to being done." Mark assures Henry.

"You're right I'm a piece of sit for not visiting my sister when she was in the hospital. That was a dick move on my part." Henry admits.

"That's your excuse. It was a dick move?" Mark is getting more worked up by the minute that Derek has to come over to make sure his friend doesn't try and lunge for Henry's throat.

"You want to speak to me about dick move. You left my sister for another woman. You used her until you got bored with her. Made her feel less than less shit because she wasn't good enough for you. But you wouldn't stop there. You couldn't leave her alone. You selfish bastard!" Henry exclaims to Mark getting upset.

"You don't know anything!" Mark swings at Henry but Derek, Jackson, and Alex hold him back from making contact. "You piece of shit! You dare compare me breaking up with Gen early in our relationship to you not visiting her after she was in a freaking plane crash! You piece of shit!"

"You want to hit me again? You haven't changed a bit, Sloan." Henry taunts Mark. "You will hurt people. Like you've always done."

"Henry!" Lexie scolds her boyfriend mortified at what's happening in her friend's home.

"No." Henry walks over to now stand right in front of Mark with no table separating them. Lexie keeps a hold on Henry's one arm while Derek still holds Mark back. Alex and Jackson stand by for back up. Callie and Meredith stand their cautious of what could happen next. "My sister almost threw away her career for you. She was willing to do anything if it meant she could have you in her life. She was better when you weren't in it. All you have ever done is damage her."

"Says the brother who refused to walk his own sister down the aisle because he was too busy partying it up in Dubi. You didn't even acknowledge the birth of Gen and my children. Not a call or a card or a thought from you." Mark takes a step towards Henry. "Your sister was recovering from two major heart surgeries after the crash. She flatlined twice. You think you don't leave her damaged you piece of shit."

"You know what this piece of shit has over you?" Henry asks Mark.


"A decent right hook." Henry sends his fist flying towards Mark's face coming in contact with his cheek. Mark's head goes to the side and when he looks back up all he sees is red. Mark lunges at Henry sending him to the ground. The men in the room descend on trying to separate the two men. Alex and Jackson grab Henry and drag him away while Derek helps Mark up keeping him back.

"Gen deserves better than both of us! She deserves better! You should have called or visited her! You should have given a damn about her! Because she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I would have died for her in the woods if it meant she got to live." Mark shouts feeling his whole body shake. Meredith is holding Lexie who is sobbing uncontrollably at the sight

"What the hell is this shit?" Gen demands seeing the state of her dining room. Plates shattered on the floor with her husband and brother more bruised than when she left them.

"Genevieve, comment peux-tu epouser ce salaud?" Genevieve, how can you be married to this bastard? Henry asks his sister.

"Oh, ne commence pas a parler en francais petite salope." Oh don't go start talking in French you little bitch. Mark fires at Henry who raises a brow at him. "Oui c'est vrai. J'ai appris le francais." Yeah that's right. I leanred French.

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