There Is Hell to Pay

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I loved this chapter so much and I hope you all enjoy it too.

"Cristina was supposed to fly out with us this morning, and she didn't show." Meredith tells Derek.

"Her phone's still off." Owen informs us.

"You would not believe the assholes at that shit show." I complain to Mark, who is on a three-way call with Derek and Meredith.

"Where is Yang now?" Mark asks.

"That's what we're saying, Mark. All she said is that's how it goes." I explain to him.

"And when is the last time either of you spoke to her?" Derek asks.

"Last night after the ceremony." Meredith answers.

"That wasn't even a ceremony!" I shout. "It was a shit show ran by idiots who had their heads up each other's asses!" I continue to complain.

"But Yang was okay with not winning?" Derek asks.

"She was more okay than Gen was." Owen chimes in.

"Really?" Derek and Mark ask.

"I was fine with..."

"You got thrown out." Owen states.

"Gen." Mark says my name like I'm a small child.

"I was not thrown out. I was kindly given the suggestion to leave or stay quiet. Which I did." I clarify.

"Well, until that smug idiot's speech turned out to be 20 minutes ode to himself, and you proceeded to yell profanities in French and list off all of the ways he was inadequate as a human being." Meredith reminds me.

"I see nothing wrong with that." Both she and Owen look at me. "Okay fine, I was kicked out. But I left gracefully."

"No, you didn't." Meredith and Owen said to me.

"Okay, who's side are you both on? Because I was very classy."

"Did you look good at least?" Mark asks me.

"Of course. You picked out my dress, and you know how good I look in it." I remind him.

"Then that's all that matters, baby." Mark cheers me on.

"She got kicked out of an award ceremony." Derek argues.

"Was there breaking news that the building went up in flames?" I interrupt.

"Uh no."

"Then I say they got off easy because when I chose." I emphasize that it was my choice to leave. "I was thinking of all the ways I could start a fire, but I didn't."

"Excuse me, ma'am." Our flight attendant comes to our row. "We're shutting the doors."

"They'll just be one second." Owen informs her.

"I will agree, Gen; let them get off easy." Meredith defends.

"Thank you! And that idiots research wasn't research."

"Did you read his work?" Derek asks.

"Do you even know who you're talking to?" Mark asks Derek.

"I read his paper on lymph nodes. It sounded plagiarized." Meredith continues.

"Because it was, and he probably only thinks he's amazing because his mother says so as he's never removed his lips from her boobs." I insult the man who should never have beaten Cristina. "Such an imbecile."

"I'm very sorry, but you'll need to put the phone away." The flight attendant comes back.

"We heard you." Meredith and I say in unison. "We'll call you both when we land." We say together, which freaks the woman out. We hang up the phone.

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