Can You Move On?

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Here is the start of season 9. I hope you all enjoy it.

Gen's POV

"So Lexie's liking her new place." Meredith says to me as we look over our case files for the day.

"She is. She says physical therapy is making some real strides. She's hoping that by the end of the year she could be back in Seattle." I state to Mer and we smile at each other.

"Well, you have done too much for her. She...thank you." Mer continues to smile at me.

"Lexie is a special person and she deserves to have the best chance of the life she wanted as possible and if getting her to the best rehabilitation facility in the country is what needed to happen I would do anything in my power to make that happen." I explain to Meredith.

"I still can't believe this is our life. That this is..." Meredith notices I'm looking at something else. "What?"

"The lost bird is back." I whisper to her. And she groans. "Are you going to stand there all day?" I yell to our helpless intern Wilson who is so scared to even be a doctor.

"I have these labs for Dr. Grey." Dr. Wilson finds the courage to say.

"Are you going to be a doctor or just stand there like an idiot?" I snap at her and she almost drops the labs. "Give her the labs." I order her and she comes running over to Meredith.

"I've been waiting for those for over an hour." Meredith turns around her smile long gone now.

"I had to do an admission..."

"Stop making excuses." Meredith and I say in unison to Wilson.


"Stop apologizing." Meredith snaps at her.


"Stop talking." Meredith looks back up at Wilson who is shaking with nerves. "His lactic acid is normal. What does that tell us?" She quizzes but Wilson stays silent.

"When your attending asks you a question answer it." I order her.

"Uh...that he's probably not septic. So he's gonna be fine. Although his white cell count is elevated so I should probably keep an eye on that." Meredith and I raise our brows at her. "In fact, I will keep an eye on that so that he doesn't go..."

"Go to the pit and try not to kill anybody." Meredith orders and Wilson scatters away.

"Did Lexie tell you about the guy she met?" I change the subject.

"Yeah, she's all excited about him." Meredith smiles again.

"Who would have thought she is in rehab to learn how to still be a surgeon with a..."

"A prosthetic arm." Meredith finishes for me and I nod my head.

"She can still do it." Meredith nods her head.

"And now she's met this hot guy and...she seems better than..."

"Arizona still hates Callie." I whisper. "She hates her for saving her life and...I mean Lexie she had to adjust on the idea of losing her arm and she never once blamed you for giving the okay to cut her arm off." I remind Meredith.

"No, she didn't. Is she still not letting people into the apartment?" I nod my head.

"Callie practically sleeps on the pull-out couch to avoid being yelled at by Arizona all night. I...I want to help them but...I don't know what I can do for them."

"Do you still have nightmares?"

"Every second I feel like I'm alone. I go right back." I answer her. "I go back right to the feeling of no one is going to find us. That we would die in those woods and someone else would have to care for our children. I have that nightmare all the time."

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