Resolution or More Problems?

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Happy Holidays here's another update.

We sit calmly as they read the verdict of our case and everything changes. "Did I miss it?" Callie comes running in out of breath. "Damn it. I'm sorry. I got out of the O.R. as fast as I could. But I didn't think it was gonna happen today. Oh god. Was it bad?" We shake our heads at her. "It wasn't?"

"We won." Arizona speaks up first.

"He said the airline company had a history of mechanical problems with the plane. It was in the public record, and the hospital should've known." Derek explains.

"He found the hospital negligent. So we won." Meredith states.

"When is he gonna tell us about the award?" Callie looks around for the lawyer. "I mean...I hate to make this about the money..."

"He already did." Cristina interrupts. "He's giving us $15 million."


"Each." Arizona clarifies."

"The hospital just hands us $15 million each?" Meredith asks our lawyer.

"Oh well, their insurance company does and it'll probably take some time to get through all the bureaucratic rigmarole, but yeah. Pending appeal, the insurance company will issue each of you a big check." We're all speechless about this.

"In the meantime, I have a ping-pong ball to hit." Derek announces.

"Yeah, I gotta get back too. I have James Leggett's surgery." Arizona gathers her stuff.

"I have a third specialty to nail and..."

"Wait, wait, wait. Why is everyone rushing off?" Callie calls out to us. "This is a momentous event. Shouldn't we do something, like celebrate or..." We all give her a look. "Okay, maybe celebrates too strong of a word. Dinner. We should have a dinner come on. We've been sitting in rooms with each other for months talking about this, and we just won. What's wrong with sitting in one more room with food in front of us?"

"Fine, I will make the reservation at the new restaurant." I suggest.

"And the kids can stay at our house with the nanny."


"Can your nanny handle four kids?" Meredith asks.

"Our nanny can handle anything." Mark assures everyone.

"Okay dinner sounds perfect." Callie is excited but something feels off.

I walk into the room Derek is playing out his frustrations by playing ping pong to test his wrist. "I'm here to make a bitch cry." I declare catching the ball mid-air. I hold my hand for Ross to hand me the paddle.

"Didn't know you played ping pong?" Derek comments as we start the game.

"I didn't know you would still be a huge grudge holder." I comment.

"Yang already came and..."

"And told you that you're being an ass? Yeah, I bet she did."

"What is with you both wanting me to forgive the man who put us on that plane? He almost cost us our lives!"

"And we won the settlement."

"Money is not going to fix this."

"Then why did we go through the agony of court and lawyers if getting some sort of payment wasn't worth it?"

"You don't understand Gen, I..."

"So you couldn't practice surgery for a while. Sorry to break it to you but that can happen after an accident. But you have a team of hotshot doctors who did the impossible and fixed your hand." I point to his wrist that is no longer shaking.

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