Mind Games

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Here is another part of the boards chapter. Just an FYI any of the medical advice Gen gives that wasn't from the show was just me making something up with the basic level of medical knowledge I have.

"You can stay with me." Meredith offers a solution to Cristina's living situation. "Jackson and April moved out. There's room."

"I have another bedroom with your own bath if you would like that too. I'm also really close to the hospital." I explain to her but she keeps looking up at the ceiling.

"I don't want to move in with either of you." Cristina mutters.

"Is he moving out?" Meredith asks.

"I don't know." Cristina replies.

"But you're not together. You're broken up?" I ask for clarification.

"No, we can't just...break up. We're married."

"We know." Meredith assures her.

"I know a really good divorce attorney. My sister Charlotte swears by her. She is excellent at getting you exact..."

"I don't want an attorney." Cristina cuts me off. There is some awkward silence between the three of us.

"Well...he cheated on you..."

"Yeah and Mark cheated on Gen." Cristina snaps. "This isn't you and Derek. He didn't fall in love with her. He screwed someone...one time...when he was drunk. I mean, does that mean my marriage is over?" Cristina asks us.

"What he did was wrong. What Mark and Derek have done is wrong." I try to reason with her.

"And if it were me..."

"Hey, if I screwed someone once when I was drunk...and I could, I know me. If I did it...I wouldn't want Owen to leave me for that. Everything isn't so perfectly right or perfectly wrong." Cristina justifies for us and I give her a look. "Say it."

"I feel like you're finding any reason to justify him cheating on you. And I feel like that's wrong. If he hates you for having an abortion and he can't get over it. He can ask for a divorce like an adult. He didn't have to cheat on you because that was being selfish. He wanted to hurt you and you're defending him." I explain myself to Cristina.

"Are you done?"

"Oh, no I'm just getting started." I stare her down.

"Mer?" Cristina asks. "What do you think?"

"You got married awfully fast." Meredith adds.

"Be on my side." Cristina's voice is breaking.

"We are on your side. Your side is the only one we care about." I jump back in.

"Gen's right. It's like you're defending him. And I don't know how we're supposed to feel." Meredith explains herself.

"I feel like I want to murder him for ever hurting you and you're just wanting us to smile and think he's still the same Owen when all I really want to do is punch him out." I exclaim.

"Well, he's my husband. Thi...this is a marriage."

"One based on resentment for a decision you made and he didn't like. He held your god damn hand when you got the abortion and saw the pain on your face. And he will continue to hold it over you."

"This is my marriage. Not yours to McSteamy or McDreamy. This is my marriage!" Cristina yells. I look at her and I understand how upset this is all making her.

"Okay." Meredith says. Cristina lets out a giant sigh.

"Oh, I want to leave him." Cristina declares.

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