Hold On

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Here's another emotional chapter.

3rd Person POV

"Gen please don't leave me!" Mark pleads with his wife who is slumped over his arms.

"What happened?" Cristina runs over to help.

"She just...she was talking and then she stopped and..." Cristina looks over at Gen and her eyes widen. "What? What do you see?" Mark asks her.

"Uh...place her on the ground." Cristina instructs Mark. Mark does as she says and places Gen carefully on the ground. "No." Cristina mutters as she sees bruising on Gen's chest. She rips the scrub top open and gasps. "Oh crap! Mer!" Cristina calls out as Mark takes in his wife's injury. Cristina leans forward listening to Gen's breathing. "It's a cardiac tamponade."

"Are you sure?" Derek asks her as he gets enough strength to join everyone around Gen's unconscious body.

"75%. 70% sure." Cristina answers him.

"That's not very sure." Meredith states to Cristina.

"Well, if you want me to be sure, get me an ultrasound." Cristina snaps at Meredith.

"Well, someone do something. I cannot lose my wife!" Mark yells.

"I am doing something!" Cristina snaps at Mark. "She is my freaking person. I cannot lose her!" Cristina is crying her eyes out seeing Gen like this.

"And she is my wife. Mother to my children. My everything. Please if you can do something do it." Mark begs her as he grips Gen's hand.

"Uh...okay I...we have to drain her pericardial sac and relieve the pressure or her heart will stop." Cristina explains to the other surgeons.

"With what?" Derek asks her. Meredith places the oxygen mask over Gen's mouth and nose as Mark supports her head on a pillow trying to keep it together. "We don't even have an 18-gauge spinal needle."

"I don't know." Cristina looks around and finds nothing. "I mean Gen freaking Benoist made a chest tube out of nothing and saved Lexie's life. We can do the same for her!"

"Okay, I got it." Derek announces finding a spray bottle. "Okay. Hold this. Take the top off." Derek instructs Cristina.

"Okay, why?"

"Use that right there."

"Ohh." Cristina states seeing the tube.

"Use the tube."

"Brilliant. Brilliant. Okay, this will work." Cristina compliments Derek.

"All right. Sure. Sanitize that." Cristina asks Meredith.

"Is that tubing long enough?" Mark asks.

"It...it will have to do Mark. We are doing our best." Derek assures his best friend who is scared out of his wits for his wife.

"I'm going n, um, subxiphoid. Knife." Meredith orders as Cristina finishes cutting away Gen's bra and sanitizing the area. Meredith makes an incision and Gen cries out in pain.

"Mark hold her down." Cristina orders.

"Gen you can't move right now. I know it hurts but please baby hold on." Mark whispers to his wife rubbing her hair trying to comfort her.

"Okay, needle." Meredith inserts the tubing into Gen's chest.

"Here. Here you go Mer. Gen, you cannot move. If you can hear us let us help you." Cristina talks to her person. "Aim for her left shoulder." Cristina instructs Meredith.

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