Heartache and Pain

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I hope you all enjoy this update. Thank you again for the constant support it means the world to me.

"Damn that felt good!" I exclaim as I pop my knuckles. "What's next?" I ask Callie who looks at me shocked.

"How...how are you still wanting more?"

"Three ortho surgeries where I had to pop a hip back in place, reset a femur, and screw in titanium plates. I'm just getting started." I state to her with a smile on my face.

"You...are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine. I'm ready to break some more bones." I announce getting all pumped and ready.


"No." I cut her off. "Don't do that tone. I am fine. I promise you." I assure her.

"It's only been a few weeks and I know it's been hard."

"My brother completely showed how much of a colossal ass he is and that's nothing different. So it shouldn't bother me..."

"But it does." I shake my head at Callie.

"I will get over it. I will move on. I have two beautiful children. A wonderful husband and I am kicking my peds fellowships ass." I declare.

"And you're okay with the peds attending rushing your fellowship?" Callie asks me with concern.

"I mean he's not doing much to teach me anyway. I pretty much learn from the other attendings and they are all impressed me. I feel no need to drag the fellowship out if it can be done quicker." I state to her. "Plus Herman has been on my ass wanting me to start the fetal medicine fellowship as quickly as possible."

"I just want the best for you."

"I know you do Callie and I appreciate it. I...work is not my issue. My family is the issue. My brother couldn't make sure I was fine after a traumatic accident but he can be this perfect so-called boyfriend to Lexie? I mean that is bullshit!" I exclaim to Callie.

"Did he ever give you a real reason why he didn't even call?"

"No all he kept saying is he saw his father die in hospital and he couldn't do that with me. But...after my mom assured him I was doing okay he could have called. He could have done something but instead, he was partying in Europe."

"How do you know?"

"My brother Frankie told me." I admit to Callie. "Frankie was helping our grandfather with renovations in our family home and he ran into Henry. He asked how he was doing and Henry told him all about the party in Ibezia he was attending and...not one mention of me. Everyone in my family even freaking Colette who has never liked me came to Seattle or had the courtesy to call me or Mark. Henry did neither of those."

"Don't cut him out fully. He is still your brother and I know you love him even when he's being an ass."

"I do and that could be my problem. I was so used to accepting how he gave his love and not demanding more. I deserve respect just as I give him. But he can't give that to me." I explain to Callie. "I love my brother but...he can be this rock for Lexie and she needs that. I love that they've found each other but...what was so wrong between us that he couldn't call. He's my brother and he...he couldn't call."

"Aw come here." Callie brings me in for a hug. "You two will work it out eventually. All you need to focus on is being a badass surgeon."

"Damn straight." I wipe my tears away. A banging sound gets our attention and we turn seeing Alex hitting one of the hospital computers.

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