Finally Home

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Here's the conclusion of the plane crash. I am so happy you all have endured my emotional torture. This chapter will still be highly emotional but I promise all of you there is a happy ending.

3rd Person POV

"How is she?" Meredith asks Mark after she finished visiting with Lexie. Mark looks up with his eyes all red and puffy which was the norm since the crash.

"She just got out of surgery so she can travel but...they don't know if she'll make the flight." Mark states and he begins to cry more never letting go of Gen's hand. Meredith moves her I.V. stand and walks over to Mark. She places her hand on his shoulder rubbing it.

"She's a fighter. She's not going to give up now." Meredith assures him.

"I...the kids they need her. She is the only one to get Theo to sleep. And Davina...she lights up hearing the sound of her voice. Our kids need her. She needs..."

"Hey." Meredith makes Mark look at her. "I spoke with them and we're going home on a plane tomorrow. I said no planes but...we don't have a choice. So I told Bailey to just sedate us. Sedate all of us. And we'll never know it happened." Meredith explains to Mark.

"I checked her over numerous times and I never saw any signs of cardiac tamponade. I...I should have seen something." Mark tries to blame himself for Gen but Meredith is not having it.

"No! This is not your fault. This is not anyone's fault. Gen, Lexie, and Arizona will make it home. They will recover. I know they will." Meredith exclaims.

"Did they say how long we were out there?" Mark asks Meredith.

"Has no one come to talk to you?"

"If it wasn't something about Gen's health, I just tuned it out. Because all I could think about was her suffering and...I couldn't live with myself if there was more I could have done for her." Mark explains to Meredith.

"Four days. They said we were out there stranded for four days." Meredith answers.

"Four days...four days and no one knew." Mark states in disbelief. Meredith looks down.

"Bailey and Richard I know they would love to visit if you would allow them to. Derek is stable. They were able to stop the spread of infection on his hand with antibiotics."

"I wasn't even conscious when they wheeled Gen to surgery. I was out of it and delirious and...that could have been the last time I saw her and...I wasn't there to..."

"Hey." Meredith makes him look at her again. "She is fine. She is going to make that flight. She will recovery after another surgery and rehab but she will hold those beautiful kids again. She will be Gen again."

"We've never been away from Theo and Davina this long before. We...we had a day at the zoo planed. And then..."

"Then everything turned to shit." Meredith finishes.

"How is Little Grey?" Mark asks Meredith as she fights back tears.

"Lexie had a massive infection that spread and...they had to resect part of her liver and embolization of her kidney. She...she had to have her arm amputated."

"No." Mark mutters and Meredith nods her head.

"She...I begged them to save it but...the infection was too deep and...I just took my sister's arm." Meredith cries out.

"Hey." Mark brings her in for a hug now. "You did what you had to do. You saved her life and she will be thankful for that."

"I...she's always wanted to be a surgeon and now..."

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