Making it Through the Night

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Here is a little different take on Callie's accident. It will give you some insight to Gen and Callie's relationship. Enjoy.

"Dr. Benoist, are you almost done?" I look up seeing Lexie standing in the O.R.

"I'm finishing up. Do you need something, Dr. Grey?" I ask her and Lexie just keeps staring at me. "Dr. Grey, what is it?" I listen to the words Lexie says to me and I drop everything and ignore all the calls. I keep running even when I feel like I can't run anymore. I run all the way into the gallery. I see Arizona and I don't hesitate for a second to wrap my arms around her. She sobs into my shoulder and I sob into hers. I look over her shoulder and see Callie on the table. I feel nothing but panic.

"It just came out of nowhere. I...I proposed to her and she..." Arizona cries hysterically in my arms.

"It's going to be okay. She's going to be okay." I assure Arizona. I feel like I'm having an out of body experience. How can my person be laying there on the O.R. table with everyone scrambling to keep her and her unborn baby alive? How is this our life?

"I...they don't know about the baby and if she will make it. I...I proposed to her." Arizona repeats. "I...did I do this to her? Was I...I..."

"Arizona." I grab her shoulders making her stop rambling. "We need to keep thinking positively. Callie and the baby will make it. We have to believe that they will."

"And what if they don't?"

"I'm not going to think of that. Because they will make it." I assure her. "They have to." I whisper to myself.

4 months ago

"So you cut people up every day?" Simone asks at dinner. She and Noelle are home for a quick break from school.

"No, we don't cut people up. We repair them. Try to make them better." I try and explain it to them.

"By cutting them up?" Noelle asks.

"Yes we have to cut but it's not that simple." Mark tries to jump in now.

"Ted says you work on boobs and butts."

"Simone!" Mom scolds my sister.

"What? That's his words, not mine." Simone argues.

"Mark is a plastic surgeon but he does more than boobs and butts." I jump in. "He reconstructs people's faces after they've been in a huge trauma."

"What do you do?" Noelle asks me.

"I'm still in training before I decide which type of surgeon I'm going to be."

"How do you decide?" Simone asks.

"Lots of questions at dinner girls." Mom comments with a big smile on her face.

"We just don't understand why Gennie puts herself through so much school and training." Noelle explains. "Do you know what type of surgeon you want to be?"

"I think I have a real idea."

"Which is?" Mom asks me.

"I'm tied between orthopedic and pediatrics." I explain to them.

"Bones or children?" Simone asks confused.

"I have helped rebuild a man's leg from scratch with titanium. I've delivered premie babies and repaired their deformed hearts. Each field has made me feel alive's hard to explain but..."

"Is there a way we could watch you one day?" Noelle asks.


"Yeah, could we come and like watch you in surgery? Is that possible?"

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