Can We Move Forward?

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Here's another chapter, enjoy.

"Gen you're back!" April greets me and I smile at her. Alex is guiding me into the resident lounge like I'm a child but I like the feeling of protection is nice to have.

"Hi, April."

"You missed my wedding." Cristina comes up to me pushing April out of the way.

"But you got married." I reply back and she nods her head.

"I'm married." I assure Alex I'm fine as I join Meredith and Cristina by our cubbies. Pagers are going off alerting us to the incoming trauma but I want to take things slowly today. "Owen washed my hair. And he told me to eat this grainy nut bar. And he booked me into surgery this morning. He is in charge of me. I'm a bride, and I'm going with it." Cristina rants to us.

"But the trauma guy didn't clear you." Meredith reminds her.

"Yeah, but he said he'll figure that out."

"I'm not cleared either." I add.

"But you like avoided everyone for like weeks. Of course, you're not cleared." Cristina states and it makes me laugh.

"Very sensitive." I comment back to her.

"Yes. Okay, I am the crazy one." Lexie yells at the other residents. "I am the one who freaks out and screams at that." Lexie stops yelling as her pager goes off.

"Go gawk at each other for a while." Meredith orders and they disperse.

"Are you okay?" I ask Lexie worried. Mark told me how he had to have her committed after she had a break down in the pit.

"Would everybody please just stop asking if I am okay? Okay?" Lexie yells and leaves us. Cristina offers me some of her bar and I take a bite.

"She is not okay." I mumble.

"He clear you yet?" Cristina asks and Meredith glares at us. "No still?"

"I resorted to tears."

"Really tears?" I ask Meredith surprised. "And that didn't convince him?"

"I even wore bad mascara so he wouldn't miss them." Meredith explains to us.

"What...what did Derek say?" Cristina asks her, finishing the last of the bar.

"Oh, I will be avoiding him today." Meredith states looking to the ground.

"So you don't have to talk to him about the baby thing?" Cristina guesses.


"Oh, because you left him in the pokey." Cristina guesses again.


"You left Derek in jail?" I question.

"He left me no choice. It was like the fifth time this month."

"He's still doing that I'm alive so let's see how fast I can drive bullshit." I state and Meredith nods her head.

"Idiotic right?"

"Very much so. I would have cut Mark's balls off if I had to bail him out so many times."

"It's getting close to that point." Meredith stands up to get her coat.

"Did you feel different? You know after you scribbled on the post-it?" Cristina asks Meredith. "I mean, you're supposed to feel different, right?"

"Oh, well, it takes...give it some time." Meredith assures Cristina.

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