Going Down Hill

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I hope you all had a great first day of the new year.

"You want to tell me something?" I give Alex a look as he stuffs his face.

"Uh...why am I taking you to your O.B. appointment?" Alex asks.

"I already told you that Mark had emergency surgery. Burn patients came in and he had to do skin grafts. But that's beside the point." I hit Alex's arm making him drop his food.


"What the hell? I hear from other people that you replaced me!"

"Who told you that lie?"

"Is there any truth to it or do I need to beat it out of you?" I threaten.

"Stop it!"

"Seriously you replaced me with Wilson!"

"Who said that?"

"Everyone is telling me that. You have her over at the house all the time and..." I begin to cry.


"No this is not right. I am your person. I'm your damn person and you're trading me in for a younger hotter model and I'm pissed!" I can't control myself.

"I really can't deal with pregnant women today..."

"How could you!?"

"I did not replace with you with Jo..."

"Oh, it has a name now!"

"You had her at Davina's birthday party and..."

"What was I supposed to do? Kick her out? I'm not a horrible person!"

"I never said you were!"

"Then why would you replace me?!"


"Like hell you did!"

"Why are you yelling?"

"Why are you?" I yell back. And I continue to cry.

"Gen please uh..." Alex hands me tissues as I try to stop myself from losing it.

"I just...you don't come over for dinner that often anymore and...you don't stay the night and...it just feels like you've replaced me as your go-to person and it hurts."

"Gen..." Alex grabs my hand. "I just...Jo...we bonded at the wedding and..."

"Just because I have kids doesn't mean I don't have time for you Alex. I just...it feels like you don't have time for me." I complain to him.

"I will always have time for you. You are my person. I would run through fire for you and...Jo is just a new person in my life. She is not replacing you in any way." Alex assures me.

"I just..." I wipe my eyes and regain some control. "I will cut the bitch if she steps on my turf which is you." I glare at Alex.

"You will cut..."

"I don't share Alex. Just so you know."

"That's bullshit. Grey, Yang and you do nothing but share!"

"You know that's not the same." I argue with him.

"Bullcrap! The three of you do nothing if it's not together!"

"Not true!"

"So true! So I've found someone else to hang out with does not mean I freakin replaced you!"

"Hello." All color drops in my face as Dr. Herman stands in front of me. "I hear someone is expecting twins." She puts on gloves and gives me a smirk.

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