It's Finally Happening

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Enjoy part 1 of this happiness that is Mark and Gen's wedding.

"Gen he is so adorable and so well behaved." The Chief states as he bounces Theo up and down on his lap. Theo is smiling and laughing with Richard that it makes me so happy to see him enjoying this moment.

"He seems to really like you Chief." I comment as Theo is reaching for his nose.

"He's very smart too." I continue to smile with joy.

"And he's going to be a lady killer just like his dad." Mark comes up with a smirk on his face. Richard and I look at him questionably.

"Seriously?" I ask him.

"Fine, he will be a well-respected gentleman. But what's the fun in that." Mark jokes and Richard shakes his head at him.

"Speaking of well-respected Theo needs a diaper change." I state to Mark.

"She is right Sloan. And it's a bad one." Richard hands over Theo who is reaching for Mark.

"Come here, little man." Mark picks Theo out of Richards's arms and takes him to change in the nursery.

"Okay, I have to ask what kind of drugs was your mother on to give birth to that?" Cristina asks being joined by Meredith, Alex, and Callie who are gawking at my sisters.

"She wasn't on drugs." I reply to her.

"She had to be on something because damn how did you and your sisters come out looking like that." Alex is drooling over Charlotte and I smack his arm.

"Charlotte is married with five children."

"Five?" They all ask staring at Charlotte.

"In that dress?" Cristina asks.

"I know she works out a lot." I explain.

"Which one is the raging bitch?" Meredith asks.

"Well, that would be..." I stop as Colette is yelling at Ted for wearing the wrong shoes with a suit.

"Found her." Callie calls out.

"Damn look she just made him cry." Alex exclaims with joy.

"He is all changed but he is wanting his mama." Mark comes back with Theo in his arms.

"Come here, sweet boy." I take Theo into my arms and he instantly cuddles into me.

"I swear he is the cutest little baby ever." Callie states.

"I thought you two would be pregnant buddies." Cristina comments.

"You know we can't plan that right?" I ask her.

"It's medicine. It's not impossible."

"So does that mean you'll be my pregnant buddy?" Meredith asks me.

"Nah I want it to be all about me." I joke with Meredith. "But in all honestly I think I would rather go through adoption again than another round of IVF."

"Did you not find a surrogacy place?" Alex asks me.

"Not one that I felt comfortable with. I want a baby but I can't risk the thought of someone stealing my baby from me." I explain my fear to everyone.

"Well if you get any babies as cute as Theo you will be in luck." Callie says as she blows kisses at Theo and he laughs. I pass Theo over to her and she is loving all over him.

Alex's POV

I can't stop pacing around with nerves. I haven't felt this nervous ever in my life. Hell, I wasn't even this nervous at my own damn wedding but here I am ready to pass out. "Dude, what's wrong with you?" Callie comes out all flustered.

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