A New Day

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I hope you all enjoy this update. Thank you for the support.

Gen's POV

"Why didn't I come to live with you guys before?" Callie exclaims as we sit down to a Sunday brunch for the first time in maybe years of having a Sunday off.

"Because you're married." I remind her as I grab some more bacon.

"The kids play until they get tired and we can actually have a decent night of sleep." Callie exclaims.

"You're welcome to stay here as long as you want Torres. You can even decorate the room." Mark offers.

"That is very sweet of both of you. I..." Callie starts to cry again. "I don't know what I would do if you two weren't here."

"You would be strong. Because that's who you are Callie. You don't allow life's stressors to keep you from living." I state to her.

"I don't feel strong."

"Because your wife just made you feel like your value was taken away from you." Mark speaks up.

"Have you two spoken since everything happened?" I ask her. We turn hearing the kids squeal. It's such a nice day we got to have brunch in the back yard and the kids get to play outside while we finish eating.

"Uh...just when we meet so she can take Sofia for the night and...other than that we...we don't say much."

"Does she say anything and you refuse or..."

"I just...anytime I want to say anything to her the only words that come out are you ungrateful selfish bitch whore and..."

"Mama, what's a whore?" Theo asks me and we all look at Callie with wide eyes.

"It's a...it's not a nice word Theo. So...no need to..."

"But who is the whore? Why is Aunt Callie upset?" He continues.

"Mama." Davina comes waddling over with Sofia helping her. "Mama look." She holds up her hand with a tiny scratch.

"You know uh Aunt Callie and daddy will explain what a whore is." I offer. I pick Davina up and kiss her scratch making it all better. I hug her and send her on her way.

"So do I...she's wanting to go to therapy. Should I go?" Callie asks me. I'm still on probation and she canceled her surgeries for a little bit not wanting to be near Arizona more than she should be.

"Is this a neutral therapist or someone she knows?" I ask.

"Uh...why would you ask..."

"Because I believe the therapist needs to know nothing about two people in a marriage. Have no preconceived notions about either party. I want this to be a fair situation for both of you and I also know that...you're not ready to talk it out."

"Gen, I am..."

"She has been the one in control from the very beginning. She is the one that made the biggest issue about your sexual preference. That you were too new at liking girls and...she's been in control. I love her because you love her but...if you're not ready to discuss with a professional about her cheating then you can say no." I suggest to her. "There is nothing wrong with not being on the same page. You need your time to heal and it doesn't have to align with hers."

"Would I be selfish if I said no?" Callie asks me.

"Would you give your 100% in the session if you went now or would you hold back in fear of upsetting her?" I question her.

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