You're Not Alone

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Thank you so much for the support from the last book and the first chapter. I love knowing that so many of you enjoy this book and I love writing it.

A few weeks after the shooting

"Does uh, anyone have anything to say?" Andrew Perkins asks us in your group therapy session that we're forced to partake in. "I know that, uh, a lot of you are only here because this has been mandated. So let's talk." We're all silent. "Anything at all?"

"I ate a really good taco from one of those trucks by the side of the road." Cristina blurts out.

"Just one? I ask shocked. "I would have had like a minimum of five." I explain and everyone nods in agreement.

"When?" Meredith asks.

"Last night. You and Gen were asleep." Cristina says like it's so simple.

"Which truck? The one on 7th?" Jackson jumps into the conversation.

"I want to go. I like tacos." Alex adds.

"Me, too." April is smiling now.

"I read a book..." Lexie interrupts us all. "About the history of mass murders in the U.S. that's...that's the actual name of what happened to us. It was a mass murder. You can't call it a terrorist attack, because the murders weren't political in nature. And we weren't the victims of a serial killer, because Mr. Clark would've had to murder several people over a period of longer than 30 days to qualify as a serial killer. We could call it a spree killing which is defined as killings at two or more locations with no break or pause in between because Mr. Clark shot that guy in his car before he got here. but I'm not sure that that counts as a true second location since it was so close to the hospital, which means that we were a mass murder, because it happened in one place, by one person. And more than four people were killed." Lexie finishes her little rant and we're all in shock.

"Uh, I have something." I raise my hand.

"Yes, Gen please uh anything would be wonderful." Andrew says with relief in his voice.

"On a brighter note, I have some news I would like to share with everyone." All eyes are on me. "The day of the shooting I was supposed to only work half a day. Because the following day I was going in for an egg retrieval procedure. Obviously, that did not happen but I am happy to say we have the new date scheduled."

"That is wonderful news Gen thank you for sharing. How do you feel about it?" Andrea asks me.

"I feel hopeful. I really need something good to happen. I...I could have died that day. If Mr. Clark wasn't injured like he was he would most likely have shot me in the chest and not the shoulder. If the SWAT Team hadn't gotten there when they did I don't know if I can say I would be sitting here in front of you all.

A few days after the shooting

"Who's with Derek?" Meredith asks Cristina and me.

"Don't worry Mark is with him. I can assure you that he's in good hands. Mark won't let anything happen to him." I assure her.

"And where is Owen?" Meredith asks Cristina.

"Um, I don't know. I...I think he's still talking to the police." Cristina explains.

"Okay, both of you. Not a word of this to Derek. Cristina has to tell Owen because he knows but...other than that, not a word."

"We promise." I squeeze her hand.

"And April Kepner. She knows too."

"Okay." Cristina replies.

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