Bad to the Bone

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Sorry for the long wait in between. Enjoy this update.

Mark's POV

"Avery, you and me drinks now." I order.

"Uh sorry, I have plans."

"Now you don't." I throw my arm over his shoulders pulling him close to me.

"I really have..."

"You have no choice. Let's go." I drag him to my car.

"This is unnecessary. I..."

"What is the number one rule of the Plastics Posse?" I question him.

"We have rules?"

"Of course we have rules, Avery! How do you not know this?"

"You never gave me any rules."

"Well here's rule number one. In the Plastics Posse, there are no lies."

"Really that's rule number one?" 

"Get with the program, Avery."

"Fine what is rule number two?" He asks me.

"I..." I think hard about it.

"Dude seriously?"

"I'm coming up with them on the spot." I argue.

"So there weren't rules!"

"I...shut it!" I order him.

"Why are we going to get drinks?"

"Why the hell not Avery? We are the Plastics Posse and..."

"And this isn't your way of trying to get information on me and April?"

"Why is there information to give?" I try and pry anything out of him. Gen has been pressuring me to get some juicy gossip for weeks now.

"No there's..."

"See you're lying. And what was rule number one?" I question him.


"Rule number one Avery! Say it!" I order.

"There are no lies." He answers.

"Spill it now."

"There is nothing to sp..."

"You have been checking your phone and I can only guess it's to see if Kepner texted you. Now spill."

"How do you know that?" Jackson exclaims.

"It's written all over your perfect face."

"No, it's not."

"Trust me I know a man in love when I see it." He can't hide his grin as I know I got him. "And seeing as you broke things off with Edwards, I can only guess the woman you're in love with is Kepner."

"If I tell you something. You can't tell anyone. Not even Gen."

"Oh...keeping a secret from the wife is..."

"Sloan, I mean it! This is...I need you to promise or I'll get out of this car now!" He threatens.

"Fine but if Gen tries to kill me later for keeping this secret I'm sending her after you."

"Fair enough." He inhales and we finally pull up to Joe's and I shut the engine off. "I...took your advice and I'm damn happy I did."

"So you two are together?" He has this big grin appear on his face.

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