Intern's Never Learn

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I am so glad you all enjoyed the reveal of intern Kelly Brown. I hope you all enjoy this update.

Gen's POV

"Keep calm." I say to Callie.

"I'm calm."

"When a patient pisses you off, you become very hot-headed." I remind her.

"I'm going to be fine, and the patients who pissed me off..." Callie stops as she notices she's doing it. "Calm. I'm calm." She repeats.

"So calm." Maggie agrees but is not believing her. We make down the steps, and Jess' parents are already waiting for us.

"Uh, Jess has sustained multiple fractures, including two in her left leg that needs surgical intervention immediately, or she could lose the use of her leg." Callie shares with them.

"In addition, she also needs her belly explored in order to find the source of her internal bleeding. This has will her with a scar that sadly will remind her of this day." I add.

"There's also blood in her lungs, which required a chest tube. Luckily it seems to be stable at the moment." Maggie informs.

"We're taking her up now. And we'll update you after the surgery." I tell them. We turn to leave.

"See, I did good." Callie whispers to me.

"Shut up, Steven!" The mom snaps at the husband. "Shut your stupid mouth!" We keep walking, but we do slow down. "If you had kept your mouth shut, Jess would be safe at camp right now. But you had to give her a heads up, didn't you?" Callie completely stops.

"Callie." I warn her.

"This isn't right." Callie mutters and turns back around and down the stairs.

"What are you doing, Torres?" Maggie calls out, but it's too late.

"This is going to get ugly." I whisper. Callie marches right up to them and surprises the mother.

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure you understand what those places are like. I know that you you're trying to help your daughter, but that kind of camp is horrible. It will not give her the kind of support that she needs. I realize that you care about Jess, but that..."

"Care about her?" The mom cuts Callie off. "We love her. She's our child. Our child. Please, this doesn't concern you." She tries to dismiss Callie.

"Jess' fear of that place is why she stepped in front of a train, to begin with." Callie raises her voice.

"Here it comes." I whisper to Maggie.

"She doesn't feel safe."

"We are not doing this." The mom is getting more upset by the second. "We are not doing this now!" She yells over Callie. "You want to give parenting advice? Talk to clueless over there. You have no right to talk to me about anything other than my child's medical care."

"She's right to feel afraid. Those places are harmful." Callie turns her attention to the dad now to plead her case. "They will damage her mentally, emotionally. They are tantamount to child abuse."

"Torres." I call out, needing her to back off now.

"You are out of line." Jess' mom yells at Callie. "You are here for one thing and one thing only, and that is to attend to my child's injuries to help my daughter. That's it. So you can either shut up and do the job that you are here to do, or I will get rid of you."

"Sweetie, please." The husband tries, but it's no use. Callie walks away.

"Where do you think you're going?" The mom yells after her.

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