Taking a Chance

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I hope you all enjoy this update.

"He was right outside by the dumpsters." Jo and Stephanie inform me as I check out the baby they found in the alley.

"He's warm; pulse is weak. He's breathing fast." Edwards explains as I pick up the baby.

"Hello, sweet baby." I cuddle him and check for any significant signs of injury. "How old would you say he is?" I ask my residents.

"7 months?" They say as a question.

"I would say more around 8 or 9." I pull down his blanket and see the scar on his chest. "What do we have here, little one? You've had some surgeries." I rock him giving him all the love I can. "Let's get him up to the PICU." I instruct as I lay the baby down on the bed.

"I'll get a peds gurney." Edwards runs off.

"Page cardio and call the police." I instruct Jo. "Get prints and identifying marks. Find out if he was born here, seen here. We're gonna find out who he is and re..."

"Ohhh! I..." Jo and I look behind me just in time to see Edwards run Arizona over with the gurney. "I am so sorry!" Everyone in the pit gasps at the action. "Are you okay?" Fellow colleagues rush to Arizona's side.

"Oh, I think you broke my leg." Arizona says.

"Oh my...oh my God!" Stephanie is mortified.

"I kind of don't feel that bad." I admit to Jo, who chuckles. "You good, Dr. Robbins?" I ask.

"Yeah... I'm fine." She grunts as people help her up. "I have another one in my car."

"Edwards, go get Dr. Robbins leg." I instruct.

"Should I do a work up on the ba..."

"You know the rules, Jo."

"But I won't even be working with Alex." She argues.

"You need to spend time on another specialty, and Chief Hunt has a case for you. Go and find him." I instruct her.

"Uh...Dr. Benoist that...that was not what I intended to do at all and..."

"Edwards, calm down. It is okay. Dr. Robbins knows you didn't do it on purpose. It's all okay."

"I know, but I broke her leg."

"Her prosthetic one that can be fixed." I remind her.

"Oh and..."

"Edwards, take the baby up to the PICU and page cardio now."

"Okay, but...what do I say about..."

"File an incident report with H.R. and go do your job." I instruct her.

"What do we know?" I ask Cristina, who is doing a cardio check-up on the baby.

"He's had a median sternotomy, a couple of chest tubes. Low SATS, high B.P. failure to thrive."

"Have you held him?" I ask her.

"No. And why would you ask me that? I don't even cuddle you."

"That's what you think, but you get handsy when you're fast asleep." I tease her.

"Well, if I was abandoned like he was, all I would want is to be held and loved on." I safely pick the baby up and rock him back and forth in my arms.

"I think I'd want a cardiac cath to confirm I've had a coarctation of my aorta."

"Wouldn't we all." I joke with her as the baby's vitals normalize. "See just a little love and care, and he's already doing so much better."

"No record of the baby being a former patient." Ross informs us. "The police are getting statements from Edwards and Wilson." My pager goes off.

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