Learning Something New

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I enjoyed writing this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Come here Sofia." I hold my arms out for her and she crawls to me. "There you go, baby girl." I pick her up and love on her.

"Do you know you'll be one of the first?" Mark comes into the room with his laptop.

"What?" I ask as I kiss Sofia's cheeks making her laugh. Theo blows bubbles around us trying to catch them with his mouth even though I tell him, he won't like the taste.

"There is no one out there in this country who is a triple board-certified in peds, ortho or fetal surgery. You're going to be a legend." Mark is getting all excited now.

"Let's not put too much pressure on this. I haven't even taken my boards." I remind him.

"You're going to rock those boards." Mark assures me.

"Don't be so sure. I have been so exhausted lately. I've fallen asleep right after coming home from work." I explain to him.

"I'll help you study. I am double board certified. I can help you and Torres will be here to help take care of these kids." Mark explains to me.

"I don't know. I...I want to do this because when I said it out loud it was amazing. I...to be triple board-certified it would be amazing." I exclaim to Mark as Theo blows bubbles to Sofia who catches them with her hands.

"You can do this. I'll take off time to care for the baby and Theo. And whatever it takes to give you the best chance to succeed at becoming Seattle Grace Mercy West's first triple board-certified surgeon!" Mark does a dance and Theo mimics him. "You know I always had hope you would lean towards plastics."

"And why's that?" I ask him as I make Sofia dance and she giggles.

"There are very few women in plastics and it would be wonderful to have you by my side."

"I could never have done that." I comment.

"And why not?" Mark asks a little hurt.

"Mark. I love you and you're amazing but if we worked every day with each other we would kill each other. Clarification, I would kill you." I state to him.

"We would have made an awesome team." Mark boasts.

"Yes!" Theo screams agreeing with Mark and he picks him up.

"That's right Theo. Tell Mama how amazing we would be together."

"Mama and dada good togwether." Theo says and I smile at his sweet face.

"Well, dada has a new plastic partner." I say to Theo and he looks at Mark with a quizzical look on his face. "Just by the way you and Avery better keep the plastic bitches to a minimum." I order.

"Posse." Mark corrects me. "Plastic's Posse."

"Whatever it is, you need to keep that to a minimum." I order. "Besides Callie and I will kick your asses."

"Ass." Theo mutters and we look at him wide-eyed.

"Uh..." Mark points at me with a giant smile on his face.

"Oh, this is on you this time."

"Stop it Mark!" I swat his hand away.

"Haha. Come here, Theo. Let's teach mama not to use that word." Mark teases me.

"I hate you." I say to him and he just blows bubbles at me and Theo dances.

"I can't believe Altman postponed our surgery for grand rounds. It's just some boring lecture." Cristina complains as we make our way to some seats in the packed auditorium.

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