Sleep Deprivation and Nerves

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Enjoy this fun update.

Meredith's POV

"Uh well...a call would have been nice but it's nice to have you home." I bring Lexie in for a hug.

"Uh, what can I do to help? I've been here like hours wondering if I should call you two or just show up at the hospital but I just..."

"Lexie." Derek silences her.

"Too much?"

"It would be nice to have some help putting the kids to bed." Derek informs her.

"Oh yes. That I can do and also could I talk to some more about getting a job in your department."

"You finished your boards?" I ask her shocked.

"Yeah I did and..." She shows us her hand and you can't even tell it's not real. "I have pretty much mastered this thing and any surgery I can't use my hand for I can just use the robotics machine." She explains.

"Badass." I comment.

"Zola it's Aunt Lexie." Zola giggles as Lexie picks her up and hugs her tight.

"She could use a bath." Derek states.

"Oh no she smells wonder..." Lexie stops as she sees Derek giving her a look. "Oh, you're serious." He nods his head. "Oh okay. Zola let's take a bubble bath okay."

After helping Derek put Bailey to bed I go in to check on Lexie who is full of energy as she plays with the bubble machine with Zola in the bath. "Look I have a beard." Lexie puts the bubbles all over her face making Zola laugh in the most adorable way.

"What made you come home so early?" I comment getting her attention.

"Uh you know things and it was time. My residency finished and my boards...oh my god they sucked ass." She complains. "Like that was the worst torture I've ever experienced and I had my arm practically ripped off being stranded in the woods." She jocks and I raise my brow at her. "My therapist says it's healthy to make some light of a horrific situation."

"You're still seeing your therapist?" I ask her.

"Need to for life. It's been helping a lot."

"That's what Gen and Mark say." I notice how Lexie's facial expressions change as I mention Gen's name. "I know you are good friends with Gen so me saying her name isn't what is making you grimace it's..."

"Okay I might have...Ahhh!" Lexie shrieks as Zola dumps a whole toy bucket of water on her lap soaking her clothes.

"Yay!" Zola exclaims with joy.

"Oh, I think bath time is over." I announce and Lexie stands up carefully.

"I'm going to change." She announces and leaves.

"Come here ZoZo." I stop realizing I can't bend down. "Derek!" I call out needing his help but I get no answer. "Derek!"

"Coming I...why is the floor all wet?" He asks me.

"Zola dumped water all over Lexie." I answer. Zola is beaming at Derek as if she did nothing wrong.

"Well come here ZoZo let's get you all dry and ready for bed." Derek picks Zola up and she is giggling a storm.

"So I have no place to live and my stuff is still being shipped from New York and no I have not told dad I'm back and..."

"Lexie breath." I order her.

"I just...I got a second well actually a third chance at life and it feels like it's falling apart." She complains with tears streaming down her cheek.

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