Are You Going to Win?

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I love reading all of your comments about how you love Lexie. I love her too and I feel so honored you all enjoy my take on her. Enjoy this next chapter.

"Looks like Frankie's LVAD has a good flow." Alex informs us.

"The McNeil's have some terrible luck." I comment as I keep looking over Frankie's chart.

"I agree. Passing the cannulas." Cristina says. "Tell me about it. I just fixed her sister's heart again, and now Frankie is...what is going on with this family." Cristina states.

"Alex, you're still here?" Meredith asks as she comes into the O.R.

"Nightshift. You're still here?" Alex asks her.

"Herman has me watching her patients, and I'm doing surgery to keep myself awake." I explain.

"What about McSteamy?" Meredith asks.

"He's performing part three on a full skin reconstruction on his burn patient." I explain.

"Tatiana?" Alex asks. I nod my head.

"That poor girl has been through so much. Mark is going out of his way to make sure she has the most normal appearance, so she never has to think of that moment. Not anymore than she has to."

"And your kids?" Meredith asks.

"With our nanny." I answer.

"You have a nanny?' Alex asks.

"Of course. It's for moments like this, and she is wonderful. I can give you her number. She is excellent." I say to Meredith.

"Yes, we're all still here, obviously." Cristina states with a slight annoyance in her voice.

"Did you finish your speech?" Meredith asks her.

"Nah, I... I'm just gonna wing it."

"Yeah, you don't wing speeches like this one." I state to her.

"I'll be fine."

"No, this is a huge moment. You want to know what you're going to say, or you'll freeze." I tell her.

"It's weird." Meredith comments. "They've made their decision. Your name is typed on a piece of paper in an envelope."

"I know." Cristina is trying to be humble.

"I always figured I'd read about you winning the Harper Avery." Alex says to her. "I didn't think I would be operating with you the night before you won it." Cristina does a little dance.

"When is the last time we all pulled an all-nighter together?" Meredith asks. "Third year?"

"Man, that was so long ago. I had less wrinkles and gray hair then." I joke.

"Oh, God. Look at us now. You've got two kids, and Gen is about to have enough kids to make her own little league team." Cristina teases.

"I only have four kids." I remind her.

"For now." Alex, Meredith, and Cristina say to me, which makes us all laugh.

"I never knew Sloan would be the guy who wouldn't shut up about his kids. He literally lives for them." Alex says to me.

"That he does." Cristina, Meredith, and I say together.

"You're about to win a Harper Avery." Meredith exclaims to Cristina. "Gen, you're successfully running three departments, and Alex..." Meredith stops as she doesn't know what to say.

"Oh, sad." Cristina mocks him.

"Oh, shut up. I got my own stuff."

"Yeah, he has a buttload of stuff." I tease him, and the girls don't get it.

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