Chapter 88: I Will Always Love You

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Lauren's POV

It was six-thirty in the morning. I woke up and I only slept for two hours and a half. I could not sleep well thinking of Camila. I went to the babies' room. Luna had already woken up but still lying on the bed while Helio was still sleeping.

"Mama..." She called me in a low voice.

"Good morning, Luna." I greeted her.

She looked at me smiling and stretching her little arms out. I picked her up and she hugged me and laid her head on my shoulder. I sat on the couch with Luna in my arms. I was thinking about how to talk to Camila.

"...mommy..." Helio was waking up and looking for Camila. I went to her.

"Good morning, Helio..." he looked at me with his sleepy face.


Camila was still sleeping. She was drunk last night and certainly would wake up late. I took care of Luna and Helio. After finishing their bath, I made them breakfast. I could bathe them, make them breakfast, and tuck them into beds, but I never made them lunch and dinner. I needed Camila for this. She was not waking up any soon. I went to Mrs. Spencer for help with Luna and Helio.

I rang the bell and Mrs. Spencer came out, "Good morning..." she was always that energetic and cheerful mama.

"Good morning, Mrs. Spencer! Say good morning, babies!" I asked Luna and Helio to greet her.

"Good morning..." they said at the same time but not exactly good morning.

"Mrs. Spencer, I need your help."

"Yes... is Camila still sleeping?"

"Yea..." I smiled.

She laughed, "she must enjoy the party. Nas is still in his room as well. You need me to watch over them."

I smiled, "No, I need help for lunch. I know it's only ten but I think Camila will wake up at noon, and I am not sure what to prepare for them and I didn't want to wake her up."

"Let Grandma Olivia take care of it. I will come in thirty minutes to prepare these two something for lunch and for us as well."

"Thank you, Mrs. Spencer." I was about to go but I wanted to ask Mrs. Spencer, "Mrs. Spencer." I called her.

"Yes, Lauren?"

"I tucked Camila in bed last night. She was drunk." I looked at her and she looked at me. She got what I meant even before I said it.

"You?" she trailed off.

I could feel my tears building up, "I saw it."

Luna looked at me, "Mama... no cry." Helio looked at me as well.

I smiled at her, "Mama don't cry baby..." and I kissed them.

Mrs. Spencer sighed, "You saw it now. Do you still want her back?"

"More than ever..." I trailed off.

"Oh, sweetheart... speak to her but carefully. It's sensitive."

"Yea... thank you, Mrs. Spencer, for taking care of her."

She frowned, "You know what happened?"

"Yes, Nas told me, but please don't be mad at him."

Mrs. Spencer shook her head, "Nas... I knew he would, at some point."

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