Chapter 40 : Everything Changed

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Camila's POV

Amber called me. Since I could not answer her phone in front of Lauren, I texted her back and she asked me to come to her place. I reached her penthouse and she opened the door and welcomed me with a tight hug.

"Where have you been? I tried to reach you. I baked a banana cake for you this morning." Amber asked me while leading me to the kitchen.

"Sorry, I didn't hear your calls. I was having lunch with a friend."

"A Friend?" she was asking me which friend, as she knew some of my friends like Dinah, Ally, Hailey, and Taylor. She was preparing the cake for me and I took a seat at the kitchen island.

"I..." I could not say it was Lauren, she would ask me why I was seeing her during the weekend. She once asked me, if Lauren treated me well at work considering Lauren's reputation.

She didn't hear my answer and she looked at me, "Camila..."

I was just sitting there looking at her, she noticed I was quiet. She put a plate of a piece of banana cake in front of me. "Camila..." I looked away from her and took the small fork to cut the cake. She walked to my side and sit down facing me, she placed her hand on my back, "is everything alright?"

"Yea..." I ate the cake, and my eyes were on the cake. She was stroking my back and I was welling up.

"Camila..." I didn't say anything, "Look at me!" She asked, I didn't turn to her, as I was trying to calm myself down. She touched my chin and turned my head to her and she saw my eyes, "Hey, what happened?" my tears were falling down, she stood up and took me into her arms and tried to calm me down. I sobbed burying my head into her chest.

When I stopped sobbing, I lifted my head and looked back at the cake, mindlessly playing with the small fork. She was just looking at me and one of her hands still soothing me with gentle strokes on my back.

I looked at her, "I was having lunch with Lauren." I decided to tell her.

"Jauregui?" she asked


"Camila, what happened? did she hurt you?" 

"No. She didn't." I was thinking about how to tell her.

"She made you cry?!"

"No. She....she told me she likes me." I looked at Amber's eyes, I could see she was shocked and didn't like what I said. Her hand stopped stroking me.

"And?" her face was skeptical.

"She..." I didn't know what to say.

"She what, Camila? What does she want from you?"


"Why do you cry?" she asked me.


"I...What Camila? Do you like her, too?" I looked at her but nothing came out of my mouth, she was looking at me shocked. She sit back on her chair and kept her eyes on me.

"Are you telling me this, you want us to stop seeing each other?"

"No." We looked at each other

"Okay. Leave the company, tomorrow!" she was still looking at me.

"Amber, I can not just leave like that."

"I have been telling you to leave that company, Mila."

"Amber, no, I can't."

"Yes, you can, Camila. I could get you any job you want."

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