Chapter 91: The Wedding

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Camila's POV

Lauren: I am dying, I miss you, Camz 🙁

I smiled when I saw Lauren's message when Dinah passed my phone to me. Lauren had been texting me with similar messages for ten days. She would text me at least three times a day saying the same thing that she missed me. I knew she missed me, and so did I. We had agreed not to see each other for ten days until our wedding day. In the beginning, Lauren did not agree with it. I tried to explain my idea and she accepted it in the end. I knew she would agree just need a little bit more effort to convince her.

In my opinion, it would be a good idea to stay away from each other for a while before we met again on our wedding day. The wait would give us the spark, the missing each other feeling, and the excitement to see each other again on our wedding day. I was thinking to propose for a month but it was impossible as we had Luna and Helio who needed us and Lauren would reject it as she could not stay that long without me in bed. She told me she could not stay that long without making love to me. I wondered how she managed when we were not together for three years.

I moved back to New York with Luna and Helio at the beginning of February. We lived in Lauren's new penthouse which was located close to Normani and Dinah's place. It was so convenient. Dinah and I were so excited to reunite again. Lauren would like to buy a new house, a mansion. She proposed some mansions but I rejected them. It was too much for us. There were only four of us. Even though I rejected it, I knew she still wanted to live in a house instead of a penthouse. She talked me into it. I finally agreed with her to move to a new house after we got married.

During these past four months back in New York, besides spending time with Luna and Helio, I spent my time preparing for our wedding and taking a sushi course. Lauren had registered me for an exclusive sushi course every Saturday. She said I needed time and should do things I loved in addition to spending time with Luna, Helio, and her. It was good to have a little escape. Lauren, as usual, had planned everything for my return. She had some of my favorite things that I left at the company's apartment three years ago. She gave them back to me including the earrings and the rings. She hired a nanny and a housemaid to help me. Lauren also introduced me to her therapist Chelsea. I went to see her twice a week in the beginning. I was getting better and I only went to see her only once a week now.

I focussed on preparing for our wedding while Lauren focussed on our new house that we would move in after we got married. I didn't know what it looked like. I only knew the location. I even did not know if it was a mansion or a house, but she told me it was only a big decent house and it was way smaller than her parent's mansion. She called it just a decent house with many rooms. I trusted her taste but I did not trust her definition of a decent house. It probably ended up with a mansion. I did not want to interfere too far. She got great taste and she was the one who bought it anyway. As long as she was living there with me, I would accept anything.

Since I was back in New York. Lauren and I were inseparable. She only went to the office when it was necessary. Otherwise, she would stay home spending time with Luna, Helio, and me. She never got bored with us. I even had to ask her to go out and spend some time with Normani or Halsey. She needed to socialize a bit at least with her two friends. She did what I told her but sometimes she would just invite Normani or Halsey to hang out at our place instead of going out. Therefore, I thought It would be good for us to stay away from each other for some time before our wedding. I had to talk her into it. I convinced her It would bring us great love-making as well. She finally agreed with it. We did not see each other for ten days, not even via video calls or calls. We only communicated through text messages. I missed her for sure. I might sound crazy but I wanted her to miss me.

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