Chapter 72: Days After

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Normani's POV

It was early morning on the last day of the year. As usual, Mike would invite the chief officers and the important people from his company for the annual lunch at his mansion. I was sitting here in my kitchen sipping my tea about whether I should attend the annual lunch or not. Last year, I did not attend since I was back in my hometown for Christmas and New Year. This year I was here and Mike knew I was here.

My relationship with Mike was strictly professional. We did not talk about Lauren as we both knew it was the best. However, he mentioned Lauren once when Lauren just joined the company. He said to me that he was glad I was here since I could take care of Lauren's mess from the legal side. I did not say much to him. I only told him that I knew what I should do.

I joined this company more than six years ago. It was before Lucy's accident, before Lauren's heartbreak, and before we found out later that Mike was behind the accident. I was offered to join the company. I was not sure if it was offered to me by Mike or by Taylor's idea. Mike might have a motive but I had not seen any sign yet until today and Taylor was good at searching for talented people. I was hesitant to accept since the company belonged to a person who my best friend hated most. Lauren urged me to accept it. She said I needed it for my long-term plan and I should put aside personal issues or her issue, and be professional. It indeed provided me with a lot of support and benefits for my long-term goal. Working in the J Industry increased my reputation as a lawyer. I also met a lot of great people and built a good connections. Last but not least, they paid very well.

It had been more than six years now. I thought it was time to leave. I was building my business foundation step by step. I was planning to leave within two years. When Lauren decided to leave, I would still stay for another two years. However, after what had happened to Lauren yesterday. I decided it was time to leave. Even though my business plan still needed time, I had to leave because I could not stand it anymore. I could not stand seeing Lauren like this. I had not told Lauren yet. It was no way to talk to her yesterday.

Lauren was still sleeping in my guest bedroom. She must be exhausted after what happened yesterday. I never saw her destroying things like how she did yesterday. She hurt her hands but they would recover soon. I was afraid for her mental health. It was an emotional day yesterday. After she expressed her anger and frustration, she was sitting on the floor in Camila's office crying.

She left the office twenty-seven minutes later, and she did not say any words. I followed her just to make sure she would not do something that could harm her. When she was walking out of the building, I could tell how much she wanted to leave that place as soon as possible. She even pushed away whoever was in her way. Her executive team and Bebe saw it. I was sure Mike knew it by now that she had destroyed her office, either from Mrs. Lopez or from his other spies.

Peter, who was her private driver was there waiting for her, and we got into the car. She wanted to drink and we went to her favorite bar. I asked Peter to wait for us and it might take a long time. Lauren was drinking quietly. I asked her after she was calming down even though her eyes were still watery. She did not say anything but she just handed me her phone and I listened to the four-voice messages.

I sighed when I finished listening to them. They were from Mike and I did not believe any of them. I just did not believe what I heard, worse they were from Mike. Mike knew how to play people and he was a psycho who loved to play her own daughter's emotions. Instead, I believed what I witnessed myself which was the love between Lauren and Camila. Camila would not do such a thing to Lauren. Camila loved Lauren. I never saw someone who loved Lauren as she did. She would be a ten-time Oscar winner easily if she did it.

I did not discuss and ask Lauren yesterday what actually happened, as she was not in a good stage. I let her drink. I let her get drunk, but I would not let her get drunk endlessly. I told her slightly, this was something from Mike and we could not believe it. I told her I would ask Ed to check about it. Mike might have hurt her over the phone. Lauren did not say anything. She just sat there drinking, and crying quietly until she passed out. I took her to my place. I did not want to leave her alone.

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