Chapter 77: Mine. Ours

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Narrator's POV

Lunchtime was over. There was only Lauren sitting there. The last guests had left. Camila had to face Lauren. She was not ready but she had to. She knew that Lauren would not leave until she talked to her. She was finishing her work and she walked to Lauren with the bill. She looked at Lauren slightly and she put the bill in front of Lauren. She looked at anything but Lauren. Lauren looked at Camila. They both did not know how to start and were waiting for the other to speak first.

Lauren took out a hundred bucks and put it on the bill. Camila was going to give her the change and Lauren said gently, "keep the change, please!" Lauren did not just ask Camila to keep a small change, but she did give her a big tip, even more than Bella. The tip amount was bigger than the meal itself. Camila was not going to reject her. She did not want to speak to her too much and she knew that amount of money meant nothing to Lauren, and she was that Lauren Jauregui she knew.

"Thank you." Camila took the money. She walked away as she did not know what to say, but Lauren stopped her.

"Camila..." She stopped, but she did not turn around. She knew it was time to talk to her "I missed you."

Camila turned around she looked at Lauren, she blinked a few times, She opened her mouth to say something but she was interrupted by Mrs. Spencer.

"Lauren... here are your cupcakes as promised."

Camila left and went back to the kitchen. She was still not ready. Lauren sighed internally, "thank you, Mrs. Spencer but you don't have to."

"You help me. I like it. You are a good person." She said. Lauren smiled but her mind was thinking of Camila. It was not all the people she met who would say that to her, especially somebody she just met. Lauren looked at the kitchen door where Camila left.

Mrs. Spencer saw that and she lowered her voice, "she is beautiful, isn't she?"

Lauren looked at her and smiled, "yea..."

Mrs. Spencer saw her disappointed eyes. Mrs.Spencer nodded in the direction where Camila went. "go there... talk to her." even though Mrs. Spencer would love to see Camila dating again, She did not just ask her guest who was attracted to Camila to go inside and talk to her. She gave Lauren a chance to talk to Camila because Mrs. Spencer liked Lauren even though she just knew her.

Lauren hesitated, "I... may I?"

"Yes...but don't hurt her." Mrs. Spencer joked but Lauren knew she had hurt her in the past. Mrs. Spencer did not have any idea about it.


Lauren stood up walking to the kitchen. She was a bit hesitant when she reached the door. She stopped for a second before she pushed the door open. Camila was there tidying up the kitchen. Camila heard the door open but she heard nothing further. She felt unusual as Mrs. Spencer would usually make a sound or talk to her. She realized it must be Lauren. She tensed and stopped what she was doing. "Wait for me outside!" She sounded cold and she did not turn around.

"Okay..." Lauren halted. She did what Camila said. She went back to her table.

Mrs. Spencer was outside talking to someone. After ten minutes, Camila came out when Mrs. Spencer was back in the kitchen. They looked at each other, and Camila went to another table. She chose the table near the entrance where she could talk to Lauren and where Mrs. Spencer could not hear them. Lauren stood up and went to Camila. She slowly took a seat in front of Camila and her eyes did not leave Camila who was looking at the table instead of Lauren. For a minute, both of them were in silence. Lauren was looking at Camila, Camila was looking at her own hands on the table.

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