Chapter 92: Love You More

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Narrator's POV

The wedding ceremony went well and during the reception, Dinah and Normani made a speech for Camila and Lauren. They were so happy that finally Lauren and Camila found each other and fought for their love. They believed from the beginning that Lauren and Camila were made for each other. Alejandro and Taylor also made a speech for the newlywed couple. Lauren and Camila had their first dance and Camila also danced with her father. Luna and Helio sometimes would steal the show. They were too cute and sweet. Everyone loved them.

The party was not as loud as the wedding in general. It was peaceful, lovely, and filled with joys and laughter. The whole wedding ended eight earlier than average weddings. After leaving the venue, Lauren and Camila took their time with Luna and Helio who shared the family suite with Sinuhe and Alejandro. They knew Luna and Helio missed their mama and mommy together after ten days separated. Lauren and Camila proceed to their bridal suite after tucking the babies in.

Camila and Lauren were tired but happy. They were walking slowly to their suite, "Lern..."

"Yea..." Lauren who was holding Camila's hand turned to Camila.

"We have to skip it tonight," Camila said.

Lauren stopped and looked at Camila, "...Why?"

"I got my period." Camila gave her sorry face to Lauren.

Lauren facepalmed herself, "No, it's not the day, should be last week." Lauren knew Camila's schedule.

"Well, it happened, probably a bit stressed with the whole preparation." Camila shrugged.

Lauren pouted and was speechless, "I never made love to you on my birthday."

Camila was holding her laugh. Lauren looked at her again, "you..."

Camila started to run and Lauren easily chased and got her as Camila was still in her wedding shoes. Lauren caught Camila and Camila was laughing, "you my mischief wifey." Lauren squeezed Camila. They shared a few kisses by the hall before Lauren lifted Camila in bridal style walking to their suite which was a few meters away.

The bridal suite was romantically decorated. It was Lauren's idea. She loved to create a romantic atmosphere when she was with Camila. Lauren could not wait to make love to Camila, but Camila did not want to rush. They wanted to share a bath first. They helped each other to undress.

"I love your bowtie," Camila said when she was talking about Lauren's black bowtie.

"and me?" Lauren frowned.

Camila hit Lauren playfully, "nope... your bowtie only."

Lauren pouted playfully, "it's okay, I still love you." Camila chuckled and poked Lauren's nose gently with her bowtie.

After she finished undressing Lauren, it was Camila's turn. She turned around to let Lauren help her unzip her dress. Lauren hugged her from behind before she did it. She kissed Camila's left shoulder, "you are my beautiful angel." Camila smiled.

"Thank you." Camila smiled. She knew Lauren was looking at her scars. it was much better now but it remained noticeable. The doctor said it would remain as it was now.

Lauren took off Camila's dress but she did not stop kissing her, "Lern..." Camila stopped her. "Let's have a nice bath first."

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