Chapter 08: Thinking of you

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Camila's POV

I woke up the next morning. I fell asleep last night thinking of Ms. Jauregui instead of my boyfriend whom last time I met last two weekends. I got up and got ready for work. To lift up my mood, I dressed a little bit more casually than yesterday. I wore a formal navy blue dress with a blazer yesterday considering It was the first day to meet Ms. Jauregui also we had the major meeting. Today, I decided to wear a yellow dress. I looked at myself in the mirror and said to can do it.

After having breakfast, we left our apartment before eight. I prefer to arrive at the office earlier, especially since I need some time before she showed up. Arriving on the 27th floor, I greeted some people and went to my office. I saw Mrs. Lopez who also always came early. " Good morning, Mrs. Lopez!"

"Camila, good morning! How are you today?" I made her call me Camila instead of my last name. It's too formal, I preferred less formal.

"Good, Mrs. Lopez! And you?" I asked back.

"Fine, fine, as usual."

"Mrs. Lopez, Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, sure Camila, anything." She always welcomed my questions, even silly ones.

"Is Ms. Jauregui always like that not talking and ignoring people, even when we asked and greeted her? I think she only talks when she feels like to." I was waiting for what Mrs. Lopez going to say about this.

"Camila, Michael called me, before you started. He asked me to support you. He never did that for previous EAs or anyone. Only you, he must see something special in you. I believe him, and now I trust him after knowing you in person. Be patient and persistent in dealing with her. If needed, you could be firmer to her."

"Thank you, Mrs. Lopez! It means a lot to me. I will do my best." Having Mrs. Lopez here was great. She taught me things and motivated me from the beginning.

"I supposed you did good yesterday." She said.

"Really?! I thought I was just okay since she didn't say anything. " I didn't believe what I heard. Ms. Jauregui didn't say anything good and ignored me like I didn't exist.

"You did, Camila. Ms. Jauregui said nothing. She complained about all previous EAs on their first day. Not to mention, you had that major meeting yesterday on your first day with her. Should be good." She looked at me and I smiled. "So Camila, keep up the good job, special one!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Lopez." I hugged her – I was so grateful.

Lauren POV

Today, I woke up earlier – the first thing that crossed my mind was my new EA. Why did she pop up? I never think of anybody when I woke up. Might be that Normani mentioned too much about her last night when we had dinner.


"Brunette, brown eyes, small but got perfect butt...She is good, isn't she? I didn't hear you complain a word." Normani asked.

"Nah, only first day, Mani." I couldn't think of something bad to say about her yet.

"I heard she is good. People like her, even Mr. Cooper praised her."

"Seriously, only a day!" I asked

"She joins two weeks ago, Lauren. She used her days off well, learning things proactively. " Normani informed. I didn't say anything, I wanted Normani to stop talking about her.

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