Chapter 14: Keep it Professional

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Narrator's POV

After that incident, the CEO office was peaceful. Days passed, weeks passed. Lauren didn't ignore or snap at Camila anymore. She would reply, if Camila greeted her or say something, but still they didn't talk outside the work, they only talk about job-related things. They worked well together professionally. They would talk and discuss for hours for business. Lauren didn't want to step over the boundary, Camila was her EA, the daughter of her father's best friend, and she got boyfriend, and she would like her to stay long, so she wanted to keep it professional.

Still, Lauren would check on her when Camila was not looking, she couldn't help it. She would not miss any chance to enjoy Camila's back profile every time they got into the elevator or when Camila leaving her room.  Lauren hated it every time she saw people checking on Camila because Camila was hers in her mind. However, Laure didn't give her that five second look anymore. In order to keep it professional, she always kept her face straight most of the time. She also forget her cappuccino, she let Camila made her cappuccino every morning. Camila didn't know that Lauren was checking on her all the time when she was not looking, as she would never think about it as she was not Lauren's type at all like all those models.

Camila was quite proud of herself, she managed to stayed more than three months now. Longer than other executive assistants, except the first one who had an affair with Lauren, who finally quit and sued Lauren – who had made it clear from the beginning they were not exclusive, but she expected more. Camila was not only starting to understand how Lauren worked, but also her habits. She knew what triggered her bad many kind of mood or what made her mad. She also got used to Lauren's absence on Thursday morning. 

On the other hand, Lauren also knew Camila would go for dinner with her boyfriend on Thursday evening and She would find a reason to make Camila stay longer on Friday. Lauren didn't like when she left on time on Thursday for a date with Niall. It showed on her face, and Camila knew it. Even once she asked Camila, what she saw in Niall that made her like him. Lauren even didn't want to listen to the answer. Lauren would just rolled her eyes and ignore her, when came to Niall.

Mr. Jauregui, Mrs. Lopez and Taylor were glad that Camila could stay this long. Camila and Mrs. Lopez would exchange food or cookies. Camila would also cook occasionally, for Taylor and also Normani, but Lauren never asked and Camila never offered, too. It's enough for Camila, Lauren would drink her cappuccino in the morning. Camila and Taylor also grew closer. They would arrange brunch once a month with Dinah, and Louis, too. Sometimes, Camila would invite Austin if Nial would come, so Austin would gave up on her.

Louis was the main chef of company's cafeteria. He became good friends with Camila when one day Camila was curious and asked who made the delicious spicy chicken in their cafeteria. Since then, they met and got along well as both of them love cooking. 

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