Chapter 80: Still Camila They Knew

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Narrator's POV

The next day, Lauren and Dinah came to the cafe in the early morning. They arrived earlier today. Mrs. Spencer just opened the door and Camila was in the kitchen with the babies. Mrs. Spencer was always excited to see Lauren.

"Good morning, Lauren... Dinah..." She greeted them

"Good morning, Mrs. Spencer!" They greeted her back.

"This is Nas," She pointed at Nas, "Nas, It's Lauren and Dinah, Camila's friends."

"Nice to meet you!" They shook hands. Nas recognized Lauren who he met at the park. He said nothing but Mrs. Spencer would tell him later for sure.

Lauren looked at the kitchen, Mrs. Spencer said, "They are in the kitchen."

"Okay..." Dinah said.


They went to the kitchen. "Morning, Mila."

"Morning, D!" Camila looked at them.

Lauren was standing there awkwardly, "Hi..." Camila just slightly nodded and looked at Lauren.

"Say hello, babies!"

"Ello... hello... hello..." they both said hello in a random way. They laughed at the babies

Dinah looked at Luna and Helio, "say.... aunty D!"

"Say..." Luna said. Helio was looking at Lauren. He turned away when Lauren looked at him.

"Aunty D!" Dinah repeated.

"Ant... tea... D..." Luna repeated.

"I am not an ant... aunt..."

"Hand... Cow..." Luna said again

"No not cow... Aunty..." Dinah taught her.

"No no..." Luna said again and Helio said the same, ""

"Okay, forget about it..." Dinah was playfully annoyed.

"Okay..." Luna said and Dinah squeezed her.

They laughed and Lauren was looking at Camila. She smiled when Camila was laughing. She missed Camila's laughter. Camila was not aware of it. Lauren was happy that Dinah was here. She could make Camila laugh. She hoped she would be the one who made Camila laugh.

"I will prepare some breakfast for you." She said referred to Dinah and Lauren.

"Can I stay here, Mila?"

"Yes, sure, D," Camila replied to Dinah and she looked at Lauren slightly. "You can take them to the nursery room. It's their playtime."

"Okay..." Dinah said, "come on Lauser."

Dinah took Luna, and Lauren took Helio but he rejected her. "No... no..."

Camila looked at them, "I will take him. Helio... baby... come on."

They settled them in the room and let them play with their toys. "you have to go slow with him. He needs time to get familiar..." Camila explained to Lauren.

"Okay..." Lauren listened to Camila.

"Luna..." Camila wanted to tell Lauren and Dinah but Luna answered her.

"Yes." She looked at Camila. Camila smiled, "mommy..."

"Yes... sweetie..." Camila caressed her head.

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