Chapter 10: Shirtless Boss

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Narrator's POV

Camila and Dinah were on time today. They didn't want what happened yesterday to happen again. They stopped at the coffee shop to get the cappuccino.

"Noooo, Dinah. It's closed." Camila exclaimed when they got closer to the coffee shop.

"They never closed. Strange. Look!" Dinah pointed at the announcement on the glass window.

We are closed until further notice. Would Love to Serve You Soon

"No, not again. Let's find another, Mila!" Dinah took out her phone searching for nearby coffee which had a high recommendation. She was horrified for Camila with yesterday's story.

"No, Dinah. She only wants this one. I will call Mrs. Lopez." She was biting her lower lip when she dialed Mrs. Lopez's number.

Mrs. Lopez: Hello, Good morning, Camila! Are you alright?

Camila: Good morning, Mrs. Lopez! I am good. I just need your advice. The coffee shop was closed till further notice.

Mrs. Lopez: Closed!!

Camila: Yes, unfortunately. Do you have any recommendation on which one I should go to the cappuccino for Ms. Jauregui – as you said she only wants this one.

Mrs. Lopez: Don't worry, Camila! Just come to the office. She just texted me she would be here after lunch.

Camila  Oh, Okay. Thank you, Mrs. Lopez! See you in the office!

"Let's go to the office, Dinah!" Camila said.

"How about the cappuccino?" Dinah asked.

"It's my lucky day. She will not be in the office until after lunch." Camila informed Dinah, and they went straight to the office.

Camila's POV

I went to my office, and saw Mrs. Lopez was talking to Ms. Rexha, "Okay, thank you, Mrs. Lopez! I will call later before I come to check if she is here already."

"Good morning, Ms. Rexha!" I said

"Camilaaa, Good morning! How are you doing? Everything is fine so far? She knew it was not easy to deal with Ms. Jauregui.

"Yeah!" I said with a weak smile.

"Hang on there, girl! So far, you are the best I have seen." She tried to motivate me.

"Thanks, Ms. Rexha, I will." I thanked her.

She rolled her eyes, "When will you stop calling me Ms. Rexha? You call Taylor and Ed by name. You make me feel older. I am not in Mr. Cooper, Mr. Williams, or Mr.Gosling's group. Neither your Ms. Jauregui." She protested in a joking way.

I scratched my neck, "Maybe after three months, if am still here."

"You will, Camila." Mrs. Lopez said.

"Okay, I have to go, see you Mrs. Lopez, Camila!" She walked away and stopped to turn around, "Camila, and how do you refer to Normani?"

"Ms. Kordei, I guess. I haven't got to know her." I told her. She said okay and left.

After Ms. Rexha left, I told Mrs. Lopez about yesterday. She felt sorry for me – she could not say more about Ms. Jauregui's attitude and bad temper. She asked me to be patient, and also reminded me to avoid being late. If I couldn't make it on time, I should let her or Ms. Jauregui knew. She would not be happy but she would appreciate it. For the cappuccino thing, she said, She saw an empty cup yesterday, she guessed she drank it despite it was not her usual cappuccino. I also told her, the coffee shop was closed and asked her where should I go for an alternative. She said she would ask her for me.

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