Chapter 33 : I Missed You

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Camila's POV

It's Monday, meaning to see Lauren after the incident in the club last Friday. She might make fun of me for dating Shawn. I was not dating him but that's what she thought. She might just act as if nothing happened as usual. It's Lauren, we never could predict her mood. This past month, her mood was steady, but in a bad way – all bitchy, dark, and cold ones. I missed her child's mood.

Dinah was driving today, I told her about the incident in the club, and also Normani stopped by for lunch yesterday. She said I could not leave her behind if I was planning to go to the club so that she could protect me. Dinah didn't quite like it, I was seeing Shawn, even more, when he failed to protect me in the club. It was not that Shawn was not nice enough, Dinah just thought she didn't see any chemistry between us, and I had to agree about it. I just want to give it a try.

Dinah herself was busy with Alex since the new year, but she said she stopped seeing him as she didn't find him quite her type. So they decided to end it yesterday. I knew it was just a fling to her. I hoped she would meet someone she really liked soon

Arriving at the J Industry, we met Taylor in front of the elevator. Before I could tell her about the club incident, Lauren and Normani arrived. Three of us automatically looked at Lauren's right hand – which was still wrapped in a bandage. It must be quite bad, the bandage was still on after three days. Lauren just didn't care with her sunglasses on, cold as usual.

"Good morning, girls! It's February. The month of love." Normani said breaking the silence

"Yea, single suffers...." Dinah joked pretending sad.

"Dinah, you got me. It's not only about romantic love."

"But...." I looked at Dinah, she got it, not to mention Shawn as Lauren was here, "Thanks Mila, we can hang out together." She hugged me

"Dinah, Shawn must prepare romantic dinner for her," Taylor said. No, I forgot Taylor was there, I had not told her about it. I looked at Lauren, she didn't say anything but I could see her head move a little bit like she was rolling her eyes.

Dinah added it. "Are you sure, Mila? He cannot even protect you last Friday."

"What happened?" Taylor was shocked

"No, nothing, Taylor," I looked at Lauren, and then back to Taylor, "I will tell you later."

"Okay," she looked worried, "we meet at lunch, okay?" she left as she reached her 13th floor.


It was only Lauren and me in the elevator now. We never talked in the elevator, even when we were close like in December. I didn't know why, she would just stand there behind and I would stand near the door looking at the screen. I would like to ask her about her hand, but knowing she would just ignore me, better to forget about it. It would be always our habit in the elevator, no talking.

We arrived at our floor and I went to my room to put my bag and get the schedule. I knocked on Lauren's door, "Good morning, Ms. Jauregui!" and put her cappuccino on the desk. She was sitting there with her phone as if nothing happened on Friday. I looked at her hand one more time, before I announced her today schedule, "There are only two meetings today, with the Italy team at ten online, and with Mr. Gosling at three. I will remind you fifteen minutes before."

I turned to leave when she called my name for the first time after a month, " Camila..."

"Yes, Ms. Jauregui." I turned around, I was surprised she called me by name.

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